Best Estimate in the Circus

March 5, 2020, it’s a perfect day for a morning workout, and for YHC’s VQ at FC. Thanks to Pivot for signing me up, it’d probably take me much longer to make up my mind even though it had been mentioned to me a couple times recently.

Slight jitter to start as YHC did not have a lot of time to go through the Q plan that was made up the day before, but knew the structure’s there.

Squatter might have done plenty of work as we gether at the parking lot as he called an EC starting at 0500(Wondered how many takers).  Dirty Bomb brought an FNG. YHC went through the F3 overview and disclaimer with him before we started the flag pledging at 0545.

Warm up:

We moseye to the basketball court on the elementary school side of campus, circled up for:

 - Good morning x10

 - Windmill x13

 - Side Stradle Hop x20

 - Berry pickers

Minor fumbling with the counts, but the gang helped pick it up quickly, YHC started feeling a bit more comfortable.  

Thang #1:

Moved to the playground, asked to roughly split into two groups, to complete:

 - 10 pull-ups

 - 10 tricep dips

 - lunge walk to the 2nd light poll

 repeat three times

But the instruction was not clear enough, it ended up we each lunged 5 times, while I originally planned it three. That’s definitely extra beneficial to each pax, as lunging was one of the top exercies came up on the list when I googled for best fitness exercise a couple days ago.  YHC think it’s great for runners, too. 

Thang #2:

Moseyed to the turfed soccer field, it’s soft, clean and DRY!

YHC called out a four corner challenge:

 - 5 burpees in the center circle

 - 20 V-Ups at corner 1  

 - 5 burpees in the center circle

 - 20 squats at corner 2  

 - 5 burpees in the center circle

 - 20 Carolina Dry Docks at corner 3  

 - 5 burpees in the center circle

 - 20 Merkins at corner 4  

 repeat and count down to 16, based on the best estimate I came up with.

Well before first round completed, there rose some grumbling on the field, YHC later realized my original time estimate was way way off, and might have also underestimated the impact of those burpees. This was the place later I learned where the merlot happened.

It turned out the elite pax only have time to complete a bit more than two rounds of the exercise before we had to head back towards the flag.  We circled up on the basketball court for the Mary.


 - Flutter kicks

 - Box cutters

 - Runner’s strech


  - After the Count-a-RAMA and Name-a-RAMA, We named the FNG Entitlement, which is somehow connected to social security.

  - Announcement: Pivot setting up a new AO at carpenter park, 30 mintues running and 30 mintues Yoga, staring 0530 on Mondays.

  - BOM YHC took us out with prayer requests for Liverpool’s surgery toward end of month, Crementine’s M, protection for our pax from coronaVirus outbreak.

Coffeteria at Donkin Donuts, good fellowship was shared among six pax.

It was a great workout, YHC especially appreciate the warm and genuine support  provided by the group, definitely a boost of confidence. Thanks!

-- “The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen”

See also