Beat the Funk

YHC has to attest that he went to bed not knowing how the morning would roll.  Coming off a week long work-vacation where he had no time for rest (the 3 year construction project will not end), YHC was broken and tired, add in there just in a bad mood.  At 5:30am we were off with little shared by YHC, the only thing in the back of his mind was to beat the funk out!   

Go Time 0530

  • Jog to office parking lot across the street from Koka Booth VIP lot
  • SSH x 35 (IC)
  • Merkins x 35 (OMD) (lots of chatter on this one, so early in the workout)
  • Plank Jacks x 35 (IC)
  • Quick pace to the next office park for some burp-hill work

The Thang:  

  • LBCs until the 6 arrives
  • 11s (or so YHC thought) Lineup at the base of the hill, sprint to top, burpees at the top, back down for a pavement touch and back-up for more.  Got to 5 burpees and called an audible as YHC was gassed (week off kills)
  • squat hold for the 6 - pretty sure this is where Flip-Flop asked for Bearcrawls or was that the opposite, nonetheless it was already in my mind.
  • Quick pace to the Lifetime Fitness parking lot.  Some PAX asked if we could moon the sad clowns, I gave no response knowing we had work to do.  150’ Bearcrawl x2 with a run back to the start in between.  (I’m pretty sure I saw a guy through a window talking to a plant about us bearcrawling while on his treadmill)
  • Circle up for some Southern-Drawn-Out IC Mountain Climbers - not sure who called YHC out on that, but it only inspired me.
  • Quick pace down the road for some more LBCs
  • OYO Best effort to the (near) top of the Regency hill, quick breather, then back down to the start


  • Round Robin, PAX called out their favs (with a little extra time YHC thought this would be a good idea.  In turn, it was a great idea.  PAX brought the best of album of goodies.
  • Freddy-Merc, brutly long leg hold, protractor, box cutters and many other goodies


Bear Mile

CARPEX Family Picnic is coming up!

Prayer Requests

Fluoride’s nephew - prayers for a speedy recovery from his fall

Naked Moleskin

This was YHC’s 1st Q in a month, which is officially his 2nd Q ever and exactly 1 month from YHC 1st Q.  Not sure if that means anything, probably not, but YHC found it interesting…

YHC needed a good ole beat down today after vacation last week.  At this hour (4:45pm) still with exhaustion from vacation and buried with work finding YHC can’t wait for FWD/Insomnia/SNS/BO/DP this week.  YHC will beat this bad attitude out.

Flip-Flop provided great motivation to raise the game, YHC loves the chatter

As always, Denali, Michelob, Large and Grease provided people to chase as the PAX tried to keep their pace.

See also