Beat, but worth it.

Not sure if anyone reads the backblast any longer, but it is important to document what went down this morning at Dazed and Confused at Apex Community Park. YHC and Crimson arrived around 5:24 and found a light crowd. Hanson, Mohawk, and Revere came in from a jog around the lake and we found Bubba and then Kiwk Stop. With about 90 seconds to spare, Two Factor arrives from him OYO EC run.

At 5:30 sharpe we were off for a quick jog to the warm up spot.

Warm up:

  • SSH
  • Good Morning
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Merkins - 10 OYO
  • Mountain Climbers

Thing 1:

  • Mosey over to power line hill for 7’s. Star Jumps at the top and Squats at the bottom.

Mosey over to the big shelter.

Thing 2:

  • 100/100/100 Step ups/Dips/Urkins OYO
  • Partner up, while partner runs the pickle work towards your 100/100/100 goal
  • After 4 laps, YHC called and audible and Crimson help us finish our 100s strong

Thing 3:

  • Originally, YHC had planned 2 x Burpees per light pole on the return trip to the front parking lot, but honestly, It was just too much so YHC offered it as an EC activity.
  • Mosey to front parking lot


  • American Hammers (Crimson)
  • Eskimo Merkins (Kwik Stop)
  • Homer to Marge (YHC)
  • LBCs (Bubba)
  • Have a nice day!


  • Discussion around the importance of posting.
  • Sanity managing kids, jobs, and the pandemic.


  • It is important to post. Don’t let yourself get away with BS excuses. Make and effort to get back into your routine. Several of us were dragging this morning and were borderline fartsack. However, we were all glad we posted this morning! No excuses!
  • There was a little rain this morning, not sure if that kept our numbers low.
  • Shout out for Crimson keeping me accountable, great to see Two Factor out in the gloom after a few days off. Strong posting by Hanson, Revere, and Mohawk. Kwik Stop was in beast mode. Bubba might be on his way to being a runner!
  • Thank you all for helping keep me accountable!

PS: Make sure to tell Deuce we met at Apex Community Park instead of the High School!

See also