Bears v Crabs Rematch

That didn’t happen. Not enough PAX today to field even one team, but 8 men did show up for what was arguably the best work out of the day.

When: September 25, 2017 AO: Wolverine QIC: Biner

Warm Up Jog around the pickle a few times with some backwards run and karaoke mixed in. Circle up in the little field. Windmills x 10, SSH x 30, PJs x 15, Fazio Arm Circles x10 each direction, Mountain Climbers x 15, Wolverines x 5. Partner up, grab a traveling rock, and mosey over to the big field.

Thang 1 Catch me if you can, lap 1: partner 1 jogs at a slow pace with the rock while partner 2 does 10 hammers IC then runs to catch partner 1 and switch. Next meet up do 15 CDDs. Repeat until you’re back to the starting point.

Mucho-chesto: merkins x 10, wide grip merkins x 10, diamond merkins x 10, right arm forward merkin x 10, left arm forward x 10

Catch me if you can, lap 2: this time alternate between 10 LBCs IC and 15 squats while the running partner carries the rock overhead.

Another mucho-chesto set

Thang 2 Over to the basketball court. P1 BTTW, P2 suicide x 2 laps. Flap jack. Followed wall crawls: plank position with feet at the fence and work your way up to BTTW position. Do it 2 more times.

Thang 3 Return the rocks to the pile. At the parking lot P1 runs counter clockwise around the pickle while P2 bear crawls in the opposite direction. 10 partner merkins when you meet. Switch running and crawling. Do that until you get to 40 partner merkins.

3 Wolverines OYO.

Mary Hammers, box cutters, and boat-canoes. Finished with some stretching led by Hi-Liter

COT Count-a-rama: 8 Announcements: Q school on 10/1 @ 2:00p, Bond park kiosk. CSAUP on 10/7. Full Metal Jacket workout starts tomorrow Prayers and Praises: Hi-liter’s dad and his mother-in-law YHC took us out.

See also