Bears v. Crabs


YHC delayed his departure for a short business trip to make Wolverine’s Launch happen…but the BB had to take a back seat for a few days. Worth the wait, I hope.


Thank you, Pete Russell, for Co-Qing this great, new AO with me…pumped to be working with you. Thanks to the 29 HIM who posted at Wolverine’s launch. And thanks to ALL of CarPex for the mumble chatter that kept the buzz about Wolverine alive.

“No man is more important than the team. The team. The team. The team.” - Bo Schembechler

The Warmup

- Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Mixed run around the pickle (2x) paint the lines. Jog to the “pitch.”

- As the PAX crests the hill leading to Wolverine’s spacious, perfectly manicured European Football complex, the glow of “The Pitch’s” boundary lines emerges from the gloom. There it is…the proving ground where 29 PAX will have a blast for the next 35 minutes (even though Burt thought the idea looked better on a winkie than in real life…)

- Standard Merkins (for Ma Bell) x50OMD - Fazio Arm Circles x10IC each arm, OH Claps x10IC - Windmills x10IC (slow) - Imperial Walkers x20IC - Annies x10IC each arm…Zebra Butt Kickers x10IC each leg

The Thang

- Crabs v. Bears (1st half 7 min) - two teams, one in crab walk position, one in bear crawl position…using LED soccer ball and confined within a glow-stick illuminated field, have at it! WAIT…someone almost lost their teeth…OMAHA…everyone in bear crawl position for the first half (THE WHOLE TIME). Team 2 scores! Franklin absolutely dives on three PAX and slide tackles YHC. End of first half, Team Two - 1, Team One - Nil. - Half Time Show - Run the big loop stopping to perform: Sumo Squats x20IC, Mountain Climbers x20IC, Paint the Lines, Crunchy Frogs x20IC, Monkey Humpers x20IC, Makhtar N’Diayes x20IC, LBCs x20IC - Crabs v. Bears (2nd half 7 min) - In Crab Walk position (the WHOLE TIME) … Shut-In incredible goal keeping stopped two shots on goal from YHC…point blank. Shank with an incredible bicycle kick **SportsCenter sound effect** Team 2 scores again! Team Two WINS 2-Nil.

The Reward

- The winning team gets to work a little harder as we jump into full field sprints punctuated by Wolverine Burpees (a burpee with THREE merkins and TWO knee-ins). We CANNOT REWARD the WINNING TEAM with less work…that would send the wrong message. WORK IS A GIFT FROM GOD (see Ecclesiastes). So, Team Two gets to begin with FIVE WOLVERINES as Team One begins with fiver regular (EASY-STYLE) burpees. - Five Full Field Sprints with descending amounts of Burpees/Wolverines. - Mosey to the flag for Mary.


- Bay City Scissors - 3 count hold single leg scissors - 4 vertical, 4 horizontal. x5IC


- Folded Arm Hang; move to the right and left - Cotton Picker Stretch - Achilles Stretch left and right - Sumo Squat Stretch; slow roll up - Tricep Stretch - Chicken Wing stretch right and left

COT, Announcements, Prayer


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See also