Bears and Hills

A warm December morning with some light rain made for a perfect day at the gloomiest of Carpex’s AOs. A small but dedicated group enjoyed good company while with attempting to leave each other for a bear to eat up the hills of Park Village.

Warmup: Good Morning Too-many Sir Fazio Arm Circles Seal Clap Overhead Clap Calf Stretch Runner’s Stretch Murkins

Thang 1: Mosey to the Park Village Hill for hill-based Bear Runs (single file, but don’t be last in the the line). Fellowship pace back down the hill. Repeato. And Repeato. And Repeato.

Thang 2: Mosey to the Pavilion for a circuit of: Dip Urkin Alternating Left-Right Step Up Tabletop Superman

Mary: LBC Dying Cockroach LSF Boat-Canoe Control-Freak Merkin

See also