Bears and Balls

Coming off a week+ of fartsacking due to sickness YHC was still quick on the draw to pick up the Q hand off from Disco Duck!

After Slacking out a message trying to rally some HCs for this morning (and only receiving 2) YHC knew numbers would be somewhat small.  9 Pax made it out for a nice cool-crisp-shorts-wearing-36-degree morning in DTA.  With the low hum of the idle train (#ApexSignatureMove) and Grease with two freshly tied shoes (#SignatureMove) we were off into the gloom!

Warm Up

  • Jog the upper greenway doing butt kickers, high knees, left and right shuffles, then back to the skate park for a bit more w/u
  • 10 GMs, 10 Sir Fazios fwd then reverse, 20 merkins, 20 SSHs

The Thang

Thang 1:  Bear Crawlers

As we warmed up YHC saw FiA leaving the park…headed straight for the parking lot YHC planned to use.  Maybe they weren’t going there.  Maybe they were going to the school to do a mini murph.  We headed out of the park and sure ’nough…there they are.  Side Straddle Hopping in the lot.  Angry shut-in mumbled to himself and quickly regrouped and led us to what was supposed to be the location of Thang 2…so Thang 1 and 2 became the same location.  No biggie!

Partner Up:  P1 bear crawls across the lot, curb to curb then runs back then runs back and repeatos.  P2 runs a lap around the office building.  Flapjack until your team bear crawls 20 times across.

Thang 2:  Stair Ladders

The office building has two sets of EXQUISITE stairs!  Whoever was behind that design (Hermes Engineering, LLC) deserves to…well run up them a lot I guess!

Ladder 1:  Run up the stairs and down on one side then when back down and running to the other set of stairs stop for 1 good form curb merkin.  Go up the other side and back down, now 2 merkins, etc…like a ladder ya know.  Keep going until we hit 8 merkins.

Ladder 2:  Same thing but with 5 burpees until you get down to 0.  Unless you’re Earhart and cheat on the first set and do 1 instead of 5…then work your way UP to 5.

PS, stairs after burpees really highlight the use of legs in burpees…who knew!?  (note to self for future Qs)

Thang 3:  Biggest set of BallsToTheWall

This Thang is all You vs. YOU.  How long can you hold your BTTW?  YHC is letting you hold as long as you can.  When you crash to the ground hit the pavement for some Mary while we wait for Hermes to finally collapse.  We did this over at the community center.  Fun little trek over the railroad tracks, through the mayors yard, and past the DD BTTW Indian Run site.

Round 1:  BTTW then reverse crunches.  *Note:  Hermes and Red Ryder killed it.  Then Hermes kept going.  Then someone said “bet you cant do it one handed…AND HE DID!  THEN HE SWITCHED HANDS!  MY DUDE IS A BEAST!!!!!

Round 2:  BTTW…oh, and YHC didn’t tell the guys there were multiple rounds.  As you can imagine Hermes wasn’t pleased…  BTTW then Freddys

Round 3:  BTTW then People’s Chair.  These guys did BTTW so long YHC had to switch to people’s chair b/c my abs were toasted by round 3!!!


That’s it.  Mosey out of the lot, stop for another quick set of Curb Merkins.

Back to the skate park (remember no abs left) we closed with a round of Plank-o-rama, each pax called a plank position (and some 1 armed merkins of course…)


  • Phoenix is on at Phoenix location and Phoenix time.  Riptide has your Q
  • Murph and more at Pullen on Saturday followed by some running and eating
  • Hog and Hop n’ Swap at YHCs Feb 28th 5-8:30, come and go at any time.
  • Prayers for M Disco Duck

See also