Bear Crawls, Burpees and Boppits

Week two at Claymore, the best lit limited running AO in all of Carpex, and the parking lot is filling up fast. Can YHC handle a big crowd? Let’s find out.


Mosey up the parking lot and around the island then circle up. Count off, 17 PAX. YHC is fair and kind, only 10 burpees OYO. Continue the warm-up with side straddle hops, imperial walkers, copperhead merkins, mountain climbers, copperhead squats, then pick up the other 7 burpees OYO.

The Thang

Mosey over to the west side of the parking lot to discover that Banjo Claus has left us some new toys, the boppits from his recent Rush Hour Q. They are protein powder containers, filled with cement, attached to a PVC pipe with a web-like rope, and they are forearm burners. The idea is to hold the PVC pipe, roll in one direction to lower the weight to the ground, then roll in the other direction to bring the weight back up.

Partner up, one partner lowers and raises the boppit once while the other partner AMRAPS merkins, then flapjack until both partners have two turns with the boppit. Repeat with prisoner squats, repeato with LBCs.

Put the boppits safely away and mosey to the far end of the tennis courts. Bear crawl the width of each court, perform six burpees, repeato until we reach the other end. There are six courts. Repeato with lunge walks and squats. Repeato with moseys and merkins.


Running out of time so circle up at the flag and go around the circle for dying cock-a-roaches, merkins (on my down AND on my up) American hammers, American hammers, pickle pounders, Freddie Mercurys, box cutters, Iron Thors, Have A Nice Day.


Count-a-rama:  17 Name-a-rama:  4 RESPECT, 11 meh, 2 HATE Prayers / Praises:  None spoken BOM:  YHC took us out


Come out and see this new AO. It’s well lit, there’s a ton of options, and two of our finest HIMs (Pickles and Frisco) are running the show.

Welcome FNGs Griswold and Timber. This father and son are traveling the country in an RV with the rest of their family. They’re in town visiting Frisco, who brought them out. They seemed to enjoy it, and are planning to find other F3 AOs along their route.

Thanks to Banjo for the boppits. Still don’t know if they’re a hit or not. Might need to test them again to make sure.

We only had time for half a Beast. I’ll be back another time to get the other half, and you best believe there’ll be more burpees.

Pro tip: if you’ve just dropped a beating on the PAX, but you still want them to like you, go around the circle for Mary. There’s at least one guy in every crowd who will call something everyone hates, and the rest of them will forget about all those bear crawls and burpees you made them do.

Great work this morning by all, thank you for letting me lead.

See also