Bear Crawls and Lunge Walks and Crab Walks, Oh My!

It’s not everyday you have the opportunity to take charge at Carpex’s only AO to completely ignore copyrights and trademarks in its inaugural T-shirt….actually, it’s only Fridays. But every Friday, so I guess it’s less special than I thought. I hope that’s not how the PAX felt about the Q today.

Beaker’s Beginnings **(The Warm-Up)
**At 0545, we synchronized swatches and were off. We left the Stoners to their thing. Jog to the back of the school, through the refreshing mist of the sprinklers, to the top path for warm-ups.
-20 x Side-Straddle Hops
-10 x Imperial Walkers
-10 x Hill-Billys
-20 x Sir Fazio Arm Circles
-10 x Plank Jacks
Stretch the calves whilst I explain…

Beaker’s Beatdown (The Thang)
_You take the high road and I’ll take the low road an_d we’ll get to Dublin togeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh-ther.
That sounds much better than it writes. However, the point stands. Partner up and 1 partner bear crawls counter-clock-wise on the lower path and partner two jogs clock-wise on the higher path. The partners re-unite with 5 EKG merkins, then switch roles and repeat until the bear-crawl completes the entire loop.
-Repeat with lunge-walks and 5 x tuck jumps
-Repeat with crab walks and clapping merkins (self, not partner)
-We ran out of time for the truly special finale, which proves the old adage; “Always lead with the Suck!”
We jogged back mixing in high skips and side-shuffles around the bus loops on the way.

Beaker’s Bellies (The Mary)
Alas, time was fleeting. We planked (High and Low) for awhile before PAX started grumbling that this workout ends at 0615 and not 0630 like some others. We brought in the ruckers (6 PAX) for…

Beaker’s (and The Depahted’s) Beatitudes (The COT)
Count-o-Rama: 20
Name-o-Rama: 20 with FNG Go Kart, who loves car racing, but Shut-In needed to know more.
- The Odyssey and GrowRuck were announced. These challenges are more important than the name CSAUP implies. We all get comfortable with the status quo. That is how most of us ended up needing everything that F3 offers. Continue to push yourself, especially in ways that bring you closer to other men, especially to those that are outside of F3. Every man on God’s green Earth could use a little more fitness, a little more fellowship, and a little more faith. Let’s continue to help each other become the best, outward-looking versions of ourselves we can be.
-The Depahted took us out.

Beaker’s BS (The Naked Mole Skin)
- Between the bear-crawls, crab-walks, EKG merkins, and clap merkins, today was not the today to man up and go no gloves
- Kudos to Go Kart, posting to his first workout, looking for the ruckers, but found us first instead. Glad to have you, hope you keep coming back
- Only ~2.5 miles, but the heart rate and calories burned on my Garmin inform me it was still high-tempo.
- Everyone (ok, just BOGO, Shut-In, and me) agreed that Chanticleer and Largemouth must be routine and habitual cheaters to be as far ahead of the rest of us as they were.
- Congrats to The Departed on his VQ. The ruckers looked wore-out.
- Thanks to Shut-In for the solid endorsement of Scratch down in the Peak of Good Living. He saved date night this week. All in a day’s work for da’ Nan’tan.

See also