Be The Light


YHC started at 5:30am with the standard F3 welcome - F3 Mission, Disclaimer, F3 Credo, and Pledge of Allegiance. No FNGs were present. There was an expected level of mumblechatter for VQ week. Coney showed up in his Y Guides vest - well played Running Bear!


Moseyed north to the 1st middle school parking lot to the left and circled up for:

  • 30 Side Straddle Hops IC
  • 10 Good Mornings IC
  • 15 Daisy Pickers IC
  • 20 Imperial Walkers IC
  • 10 Standard Merkins OMD
  • Calf Stretches L/R with 10 count en espanol courtesy of Buenos Dias and delayed 10 count from Kickback who was apparently engaged in some mumblechatter.

Moseyed to the carpool loop/main entrance of Salem Middle School.

Thang One:

Split into 2 groups. Group 1 ran the loop while Group 2 completed the bench exercises listed below OYO. We flip flopped and repeated each exercise 2 times (6 total loops/circuits). Tree-huggers until 6 was in.

  • 20 Dips OYO
  • 20 Erkins OYO
  • 20 Step Ups OYO

Except for Burt, mumblechatter was low during Thang One. I’m told that is a sign of a good Thang. Finished Thang One and moseyed to the track and field.

Thang Two:

Circled up in the center of the soccer field for the circle of light. YHC took a moment to reflect on the 3rd F as it relates to Faith in God, country, community, family, and in our fellow F3 brothers. Quoting the State of North Carolina’s motto - Esse Quam Videri, which is Latin for “To be, rather than to seem,” I called on my F3 brothers to be the light by leading by example in our communities, at work, at home, and with each other. Each HIM grabbed a glow stick and held the light for the remainder of the workout.

We split into 4 groups for a Four Corners workout. Each group picked 4 corner leaders to lead each exercise listed below. Each group completed each corner, then lunged to the next corner as a group.

  • 1st Corner - 10 Diamond Merkins IC
  • 2nd Corner - 20 Plank Jacks IC
  • 3rd Corner - 30 American Hammers IC
  • 4th Corner - 40 LBCs IC

We completed all four corners and returned to the center of the soccer field. Water Wings inquired about Indian Runs and I made note. We moseyed to the warm-up parking lot and formed 4 lines for a “Y Guides” run back to the main parking lot for Mary.


  • 20 Freddie Mercuries IC
  • 20 Homer to Marge IC
  • 15 Flutter Kicks IC
  • 15 LBCs IC
  • 5 minutes of stretching (butterfly stretch, child’s position, downward facing dog, upward facing dog)


36 PAX – 6 Respects. F3/Y Guides dads mentioned F3 and Y Guides names during Namerama. My favorite Y Guides name: Ma Bell (aka Windmaker).


  • Coney - Wednesday, September 25th, Jordan Lake Brewing Company 7pm to 9pm - trivia fundraiser for the Haven House.
  • Special Guest - Welcome Ma Bell’s friend, F3 Roscoe, who posted with the F3Chowanoke flag. Aye!
  • Orphan - Neighbor to Neighbor event at North Raleigh Hilton on September 18th at 7am. How How will be there!
  • Burt - Thursday, October 3rd, Haven House. Boxing match to support Haven House. F3Raleigh v F3Carpex!


  • Bad Company’s family friend who is struggling to get pregnant and scheduled for in vitro fertilization.
  • Ma Bell’s father-in-law is in the hospital with gallbladder problems and is awaiting a treatment plan.

YHC took us out and asked for guidance on how we can all Be The Light.


I joined F3 about three months ago and I’m grateful for all that it has given to me. It was an honor to VQ Full Metal Jacket and to Be The Light with my F3 brothers. How How!

See also