Be sure and log out

Sometimes things just fall neatly into place, and this weekend as I saw posts from F3 Grand Strand about their brother HIghtower, I hopped over to the Q sheet and marveled at my good fortune that Claymore was open. Load up the hatchback with some goodies and away we go.

One year ago this weekend, PFC Jacob Hancher of the Myrtle Beach PD was killed in the line of duty. He was known to his F3 Grand Strand brothers as Hightower:

The Thang

During GrowRuck 22, we memorialized Hightower with a WOD based on his badge number 374. So, this morning, after a brief warm-up of SSH, stretches, MCs, Merkins, and a nice slow set of Good Mornings, we gathered at the rock pile with some CMUs, sand bags, rocks and a kettle bell, and worked through this WIB:

  • 100 SSH
  • 100 4-count flutter kicks, coupon over your chest
  • 100 LBC
  • 74 thrusters (squat into an overhead press)

We did these in 4 sets, 25 reps each (20/20/20/14 for the thrusters). PAX took turns calling cadence for a bonus mini Q School. Mosey the non-pickle after each set.

After four sets, return the coupons and Have a Nice Day.

We are thankful for those who charge into the chaos, the unknown, dangerous situations in times of high stress and limited visibility. While most of us will never do so under the circumstances Hightower did, we all have situations in our daily lives where we are called to charge in to situations of uncertainty and chaos, and attempt to restore order. May we be brave enough to do so with a steady presence and call on our brothers where we need backup.


This is the first time I’ve seen a PAX hop in his car and drive 200 yards within the same AO to avail himself of the port-a-john. Bonus points for having BYO’d Dude Wipes. No socks were besmirched. Way to be prepared.

See also