Battle Buddies Unite!

Monday was the gloomiest of the gloom.  About 50 degrees and pouring down rain.  This is the time of the year that really shows a PAX true grit and determination to be a HIM.  TBH, if I did not have the Q this morning, then I would have been a RHC to the Fartsack…..

Anyways, as I stood under the largest tree to stretch and somewhat avoid the rain, I see a few of the PAX arriving from an EC run.  Wow, thanks a lot guys.  I was already debating on whether to pull a Riptide and peace out before anyone knew I was there.  Then these stallions come galloping in…Soaked…and Laughing.  I mean really, who has a good time in the rain, nonetheless exercising…

Coming down from under the tree I met the PAX for some mumblechatter before the 530 start, this is when I noticed I was the only one wearing a jacket.  No one said anything but you could really feel the tension in the air.  Why was the Q wearing a jacket?  Then Denali arrived, calf sleeves taboot.  While the PAX focused on him and made fun of his sleeves I quickly removed jacket like I “planned to do all along”…5:30, lets go


Quick lap around the pickle

  • 15 SSH, 16(whoops, this is becoming a cluster quick) HillBillies, Stand in Place High Knees(each PAX gave a 10 count), 15 Merkins, ChillCut Hold(Pax gave a 5 count)


Now that we were nice and warmed up and soaking wet, PAX formed a line.  Quickly, I assembled 3 teams of 2 and 1 team of 3.  Lets just say my math is “100”, if this were a Burt Q, we would still be waiting for him to figure it out.  Nonetheless, with the groups formed, each PAX has a “Battle Buddy”.  I wanted to focus on making each other better, so I instructed each PAX to push each other but do not leave your battle buddy behind.

Battle Buddies assembled we took off for a run around the lake, left on trail, and out to regency parkway. This was a high tempo pace .  Old maid, Best Battle Buddy ever and I led the group.  I believe I counted 134 puddles along the way, thanks to Denali’s relentless complaining about his feet being wet.  Trust me bro, I was no happy camper as well.  Squat hold while we wait for the last battle buddies to arrive.  Asked Shut In for a 10 count.  Grumpy shutty started to mock the work out saying “isn’t this supposed to be hi tempo?  Who does 10 counts?".  Thanks Shutty for your leadership. 10 burpees OYO.

Once complete, battle buddies unite and make their way to “Half’s Hill”, read earlier Kryptonite back blasts for reference:

Stopped at pickle before hill.  With Battle Buddy bear crawl to first curb, 5 merkins.  Lunge walk with Battle Buddy to next curb, 5 Merkins.  Bear crawl to next curb, 5 merkins.  Lunge walk back to start, 5 Merkins.  Along the way, Battle Buddies were separated.  Poor Wonderbread was “voted off the island” from his 3 man team.  Geez.  10 Penalty Burpees for not following instructions.

Next we made our way to the hill.  Timing was getting tight but I threw it out there anyway.  DORA 1-2-3.

Dora 1:  100 Squat Thrusts

Dora 2:  200 Diamond Daddy Merkins

Dora 3:  300 Jump Squats

BB 1 does exercises, while BB2 would run to top of the hill to the curb, 5 merkins and flip flop with BB1.

Pretty sure no one finished, but sensing Saban was somewhere watching, I called an audible.

Classic 9 man Indian run back to the flag for some American Hammers and a Have a Nice Day


  • Michelob is having a colonoscopy but will still be running the Maynard Wednesday
  • Triple down convergence coming soon?

YHC took us out


  • Workouts in the rain aren’t so bad
  • Focus for the day was to push each other and hold each other accountable.  Make the most of the 45 minutes!
  • No Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, or Windmills were performed.  Nor did we bill run back to the flag.  Your’e welcome Grease Monkey
  • Always happy to lead and beyond blessed to call you all my brothers!

See also