Bass Ackwards

Slippery When Wet, May 17, 2019. 18 pax. 1099, Banjo, Captain Jack, Chanticler, Chipper, Denali, Grease Monkey, Greenbo, Hermes, Joe Smith, Kitty Litter, Michelob, Oofta, Quiver, Smokey, Stetson, Titanic, Whirlie,

YHC is proof that tenure means nothing when executing a perfect Q. Unlike Frisco,  who stole the show on his first ~5~ 10 VQs, YHC has learned next to nothing on how to operate the F3 Q machine. But if catching it on the chin from fellow pax is a sign of respect,  boy did I get it today. My heart was joyfully warmed with all the that, uh respect. 

And it only got better as pax arrived from their EC runs from all directions

No FNG’s, we’re off.

Paint the lines forwards and backwards.


Mosey to Ayelsford Drive, pyramid.
10 merkins
Backwards run to top of hill
2 burpees
Run back down
 -  Repeat with 4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 burpees

Mosey back to park

At parking lot, burpee at parking lot line, bear crawl to next, burpee, repeato to end of parking lot.

Circle up for Mary led by all the pax that have never Q’d: greenbo, kitty litter, Captain Jack, 1099, titanic, Whirlie, stetson,

YHC took us out.

Head over for Oofta’s coffee.

See also