Bass Ackward Pockets

So I have this strange pair of workout shorts. Like a lot of clothes in my drawers they just seem to show up randomly. The M buys the clothes for the house and has the same problem. Dresses and shoes just show up randomly in her stuff and she has no clue where they came from. We jokingly call them gift from the Visa Fairy because…actually, wait a minute…

Anyways, this one pair has these backwards pockets. Apparently this is the new trend in active wear. None of your stuff falls out when you run and I suppose it’s a neat invention but it still surprises me whenever I have to grab my own butt to get my keys or phone out. It feels totally counter intuitive and as a creature of habit even the slightest change in my routine throws me off.

That is how life works. The Visa Fairy brings you butt-grabber shorts and you have to figure out what to do with them. People love to say that when one door closes another one opens. No one mentions that doors usually close in your face or worse on you. Sometimes they hit you in your bass-akwards shorts and propel you forward. They also fail to mention that no door worth going through ever magically opens. (I went through quite a few wrong doors before I figured that one out.)

A lot of guys have reached out to me over the last year as life kept kicking me where my pockets used to be. And they kept reaching out. Just a word or encouragement here and there. An offer for coffee or a beer or a run. Sometimes I took them up on it, most times I just waded through. But it helped to know they were there always with an outstretched hand and an ear if I needed it. (Biner always offered the kick in the butt to get me moving forward, even tried to do it a couple of times. That guy is dedicated!!)

Life is going to keep giving us bass-ackwards shorts. Nothing we can do to stop it. But we stand behind each other and offer a hand and hope that if a guy needs it he takes it. Chances are between 100+ regular posting guys someone has a good piece of advice, a similar experience or the same thing going on. Sometimes we forget that being a man is about being strong and being strong sometimes mean putting an arm around a brother and letting him help us open a door or just rest a minute before we try ourselves.

Pick Up the 6. It’s why we’re not just a workout group. Keep opening doors and helping your brothers. MIAGD