Baselines and backblasts

January 1. Symbolically speaking, a turning of a new leaf. And while most years are met with some degree of glee and dread, it’s pretty safe to say that the vast majority of us today are expecting much greater things from 2021 than 2020 gave us.

So, with that in mind, today’s Dante’s Peak beatdown aimed to set new bars and improve on past glories.


I have been working on getting a couple of guys from my son’s BSA troop out for months now and got a positive response last night from one of the dad’s about potentially joining us at DP this morning. I think the 7AM start had a lot to do with it. But as the clock clicked over from 6:59 to 7 and no Joe in site, we launched into it… with a mosey around the parking lot looking for him. To no avail.

Circle up for:

  • GM, SSH, Sir Fazio

Then make room for a late arriving car containing the prodigal FNG.

  • finished up the Sir Fazios and threw in five penalty burpees for tardiness
  • IW, squats, HB, Michael Phelps

No disclaimer. But a bit of an introduction

Mosey to the pond in DP

Thang 1 - Baseline

Had three sets of baselines in mind for today. With the wet weather and not wanting anyone to break something, I cut the sprint portion out of the menu and kept it to two:

  1. Max out merkins. On my go, complete as many merkins in a row as possible without pausing and without losing form. My first F3 post ~5 years back I couldn’t finish 15. Today: 61.
  2. Chillcut challenge. On my go, fold good-form chillcut as lot as possible. Last year, Prodigal posted a Core Challenge for everyone starting in January. I couldn’t do 90 seconds. Today: 3 minutes and change.

Kudos to Crew Chief for finally having mercy on the rest of the PAX and stopping his chillcut hold before the calendar turned to January 2!

Idea is for the guys to remember their numbers and plan to crush them at the end of year.

Thang 2 - Backblast

Earlier this week, OBT posted the original F3 (you have to read it to get all the disclaimers) backblast from the first workout on 1/1/11. Link is here. It ain’t all that much. So we improved on it a bit.

Round 1: 10x merkins of the regular, wide-grip, diamond and offset (2x) varieties.

Round 2: Core session of LSF, LBC, Hells to heaven and v-ups

Round 3: Squats, step-ups, dips and derkins (10x, 15x, 20x)

Short lap between each.

Running low on time, we did 10 burpees at the bottom and 5 burpees at the top of the hill. Mosey back to the flag.

Thang 3 - Random sh!t

Some squats, a bear crawl, some more squats, and some boat canoes finished everything out.


9 guys. Welcome FNG Blackout. Works on power grid modeling first for the EPA and more recently with NCSU.

Announcements re: Duck Donut Dash and a final leaf clean up with the Carying Place Sunday.

Prayers for loved ones who have suffered through COVID and for those who are trying to stay COVID free. Prayers for 2021 » 2020. Prayers for all those impacted by the pandemic. Praises for F3 and the brothers that support each other throughout the year.

YHC took us out.


  • Last night the family thought about gratitude and about living life with wonder and amazement at all the natural things around us as well as the amazing things that we have done to bend nature to our will. Asked that we be humble and start each day with gratitude and wonder at everything around us.
  • Glad Joe made it out this morning. F3 is a hell of a way to start a day so I’m thinking it’s got to be a hell of a way to start a year!
  • About half of us made it up to midnight. It was a depressing show from Times Square. The party at my house was tons more exciting.
  • Four for coffeeteria afterwords working through solutions to the worlds problems. That’s what great coffee is all about.

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