Baseball Bear Crawling

22 Stallions showed up for some fine work this morning.

We tried to run to the fancy ball fields, they were locked.  We circled up did some warmup, ran to the upper parking lot, did some bear crawl and crawl bear inchworming, then we split up in 4 teams and did some merkins, squats, burpees and sumo-squats at the corners (bases), running, bw running, crawl bearing and bear crawling between bases.  Then we indian ran to the rock pile for some ego rock work including curls, tricep extensions, rock rows and o/h presses.  Then we circled up for some rookie led mary. Count-0-rama  22 including 3 that left early, name-o-rama some respects, hates and mehs, some announcements and several prayer requests and YHC took us out.


Apparently the field of dreams will stay in the dreams as they are inaccessible…

I was not prepared for this many pax or this many new pax, i have done a pathetic job at listing all the names.

This is also a pretty lame BB, but better than nothing I suppose.

See also