Bartmanniversary IV

23 PAX turned out this fine morning to help YHC celebrate four years of gloom. That’s right, this week marks 48 months of getting after it, and it’s as if A-Team hasn’t changed a bit. PAX in the low 20’s, rain more often than it should, and a bunch of go-getters ready to hit it. A 2-mile EC led by Disco was the perfect apertif.

Mosey to the front parking lot and circle up. SSH x48 to get us started. The PAX were a little concerned when YHC called for Merkins next in honor of my first Q, Ma Bell. We celebrated 4 years by doing.. four.

Round it out with GM x10, IW x15, Sir Fazio x10 each way. Bruisers peeled off to do their bruiser thing as the rest of us moseyed over to the playground.

PAX partnered up while YHC explained the order of the day, a cut-down version of the Robbie Miller WoD. I know, it’s F3 and I’m not supposed to say WoD, but it was such a fun part of last weekend’s adventure, I couldn’t help myself. Our version consisted of six rounds of:

  • Run 10yd down and back
  • 6x burpee/jump/squat
  • 6x pull-up, assisted if necessary
  • 6x mountain climber
  • 6x get-up. We did ours sans weight - try it with a ruck some time for extra fun.

Everyone finished around the same time, with fast groups squat holding for the rest. After all in, we mosey’d to the bottom of power line hill. We kept in our partners and did a couple rounds of:

  • P1 run at 50% effort to the power pole, P2 alternate 10x merkin / 10x squat, then flapjack.
  • Repeato.. because the Q wasn’t fast enough to specify next round 75% and the PAX decided 50% was a good number.

I don’t remember a ton of details about that first workout, other than showing up with a water bottle, and Ma Bell sporting an old school Southwestern Bell jacket. #telecomnerd. Oh, and the partner carries. I definitely remember Denali hauling my ample posterior up that hill.

  • Partner carry up the hill, switch @ halfway or as needed. Try it fireman-style. Recover to bottom of hill.
  • One more trip up, AYG.

Mosey back to the front lot for Mary: 20x AmHam, 48x flutter kick. That’s all, PAX.

Thanks for four great years, too many friendships to count, and miles and miles of good livin'.

See also