Barrel of Pickles

It feels like it’s been quite a while since my VQ, but I’m glad Q #2 was finally here! Last week I made sure to do recon during Hamm’s VQ and was please to see there were 4 pickles, making 5 different running lanes. I now had a plan…

1 FNG, so struggled through the disclaimer and part of the mission and whatnot followed by the declaration of allegiance to Old Glory.


Took the scenic route to the most scenic warmup spot in all of Carpex for some…

Side Straddle Hops x15

Good Mornings x10

Imperial Walkers x10

Plank Jacks x10

Calf Stretch x10 each side

I think that’s it

Thang #1:

10 Hand Release Merkins then run the (long) loop to the 5th driveway

20 Bonnie Blairs then run the 4th driveway

30 Freddie Mercuries then run the 3rd driveway

40 Jump Squats then run the 2nd driveway

50 LBCs then run up and back the first driveway

Repeato in the opposite order

Thang #2:

Run to the entrance hill for 7s

Star Jumps at the top and Peter Parker Merkins at the bottom.


LBCs with right foot on left knee x15

LBCs with left foot on right knee x15

Have a nice Day!

Announcements- Odyssey Oct. 5th, JUST SIGN UP! Picnic later in the day.

Prayers/Praises- Ma Bell’s MIL, Disco Duck’s MIL.

YHC took us out.

I had an inspirational quote, but forgot to share it so here it is:

Just because someone carries it well, doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy.

Which what I take away from that is you never know what kind of pressure someone else is under. This speaks very close to sad clown. Keeping a positive face on the outside but dealing with their own struggles inside. When possible, try to take some of that load off others that might be struggling under the surface. It could be the most important thing you do all day.

See also