OK, this workout had nothing to do with our former President. But it involved B.O.M.B.S with rocks so there you have it. YHC thinks the title is clever. You will come to love it as well. Anyway, even after YHC got a little anxious and stepped in the site Q’s lane by pre-blasting my Q, 20 HIM showed up, including an FNG who had no idea what he was getting himself into. Mission and disclaimer were given, fist bumps were executed all around, Stravas were started. Time to go!


Plank Allegiance. I mean anybody can stand and cite the Pledge of Allegiance. Lame. Let’s add in some core while we’re doing it. Boys looked a little loose in the cage anyway. Follow me. Since the TOA insists on locked gates at their fuh-cil-i-tays and we have to start in the way back of the park, we had no choice but to jog to the front - the long way, of course, up to the top parking lot for:

  • Merkins
  • SSH
  • Steve Earles
  • Wacky Arm Waving Inflatable Tube Guys (first pioneered by YHC at SWW). Yeah, it looks goofy, but it’s a full body stretch. You’ll come to love it as well
  • American Hammers

Them Thangs

Jog down to the pond and grab a rock. Ego rock, travel rock, whatever. Henny Penny started the rumor that we were partnering up. YHC revoked his doo-rag license on the spot. If you see him wearing one, he’s in violation of F3 Nation statute J-1965. Anyway, once EVERYONE had their rocks, we embarked on a set of B.O.M.B.S. that looked like this:

  • 10 x Burpees, run a lap around the pond with the rock
  • 20 x Overhead Presses, run a lap with the rock
  • 30 x Merkins, run a lap with the rock
  • 40 x Big Boy Situps, run a lap with the rock
  • 50 x Squats, run a lap with the rock

Before putting the rocks away, we did 20 x curls, tricep extensions, and Overhead Presses on my up and/or down. Repeato x 15; Repeato x 10. Put your rocks away and follow me. Jog the short way back to the flag area, pausing to bear crawl the bridge (goes without saying, even though Chicken Little was a little b today and didn’t show up like his rumor-starting, doorag-licenseless, yet more manly brother.) Jog on up past where the flag used to be and grab some rail on the walkway in between the two fields with funny colored lines painted on them for a set of 20 x Australian Pullups and 20 x Irkins. Then jog the final bit over to the flag and circle up for:


  • Hello Dollys - Hold it!
  • Flutter Kicks - Hold it!
  • O-Face (wind and unwind) - recover
  • Copperhead Merkins


Count-a-rama - 20

Name-a-rama - mostly Mehs, with a few of us RESPECKS, 1 FNG (Bobcat), and 1 Kotter (Beatle)

Announcements - Odyssey, PaxMate, some other stuff that I don’t remember

Prayers / Praises - a couple spoken, many unspoken

COM (Circle of Man) - YHC took us out.

Honored, fellas. Honored.

See also