Balls and Diamonds

YHC got late notice on Monday from Frisco that he was isolating due to possible COVID exposure, so he would not be able to Q. YHC’s Qs had been in a rut of late: Dora, Sevens, blah… wanted to do something different this time and given the short notice, would be doing so more or less on the fly.

Seven PAX at the start in a damp, but well-lit Claymore parking lot. Bartman’s car is there, but he’s no where to be seen, so we begin. No Frisco means no flag this week, so we forgo the pledge. No FNG’s, so we forgo the disclaimer as well.

Jog to the basketball courts for warm-ups:

  • 5 GMs IC
  • 10 Steve Earl someone points out that those are actually Hillbillies
  • 10 Copperhead Merkins
  • 10 Sir Fazio
  • 10 Fazio Sir
  • 10 Seal Claps

Thang 1

Seven of diamonds. Splitting the PAX into two groups for social distancing, move around the perimeter of the court for the following at each corner:

7 LBCs
14 Freddie Mercuries IC
21 Merkins
28 Sumo Squats
21 Low Slow Flutters
14 Plank Jacks
7 SSH IC together, with different PAX calling cadence at each corner

Now that we’re all soggy from our time on the basketball court, mosey over to tennis courts for…

Thang 2

Crazy Indian Run - with each PAX lined up in a socially-distanced manner along the fence, assume BTTW position. PAX at the end runs to the front of the line and calls out when back in BTTW position at which time the next PAX goes. Continue until all PAX have gone once. Bag Boy may have been trying to run away, but we were able to get him back in line.

More fun along the fence, this time with wall sits. Each PAX runs to the net, touches it and then goes to the front of the line. Repeat until each PAX has gone once.

Repeat the Crazy Indian Run to make sure we remember our shoulders.

Final run through with wall sits, but this time each PAX does suicides (base line, service line, net) before going to the front.

A few minutes left before Mary, so we lunge walk together with merkins mixed in: 5 steps followed by 5 merkins until we’re back to the gate and have successfully killed the necessary time. Both the lunge steps and the merkins are called out by the PAX. And we’re back to the flag for some Mary.


Repeato and Bartman come rolling in from their ruck just in time for Mary.

  • Eskimo Merkins called by Kwik Stop (because you know he’s going to do it)
  • Hello Dolly called by Chopblock
  • Freddie Mercuries called by Leprechaun
  • YHC takes us out with Have a Nice Day


  • 9 PAX - two respects, two hates, 5 meh
  • Announcements
    • Odyssey - October 24
    • Endure 2020 Annual Campaign for Haven House
    • New Thursday evening AO, Ragnarok, starting this Thursday at 8 PM.
  • Prayer Requests
    • Leprechaun working for a raise at his job
    • Friend of Tang who’s recently-born son has a congenital heart defect with a poor prognosis for recovery.


Thank you for the opportunity to lead this morning and the chance to stretch my Q’ing abilities by pulling it together in such a short time. I hope it was a sufficient beatdown to start your day!

See also