Badge Unlocked


- 12 heavy lifters moved some serious weight at Hells Bells.

- Most of us arrived on time at either the old or new location.

The Warmup

- Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. - Run around the pickle and circle up on the other side of the parking lot for warm-up. - Circle up for: GM, windmills, calf stretch, Sumo squat stretch, standard merkins, SSH.

- Bear crawl back to where the kettle bells are located.

The Thang****s

- Grab a partner for Dora 123: while your partner runs to the American flag by the shelter and back, you and your partner perform 100 World War III sit ups (a World War II sit up while holding a kettle bell, shoulder press at the top of the set up), 200 lawnmower pulls, 300 kettle bell swings

- Another Dora 123: run down to the amphitheater shelter and touch the wall, run back while your partner perform 100 standard merkins, 200 hammer curls, 300 tricep extension

- Help monkey nut put all of the kettle bells back in his truck so he doesn’t have to clean up by himself :-)


- 1 LBC


- During COT, we were reminded that God has given us the ability to be strong and to strengthen ourselves so that we can be strong for others. That means we have a responsibility to give our very best every time we come out. Aye!

See also