Bad News...

McCants posted last night on slack that he had some bad news. He was down with a bug and needed someone to step up and take his Phoenix Q this morning. Well, it was really bad news for the PAX to give YHC the trifecta to have three Qs in a row to celebrate 3 years of F3.

A solid group of 19 PAX showed up at Bond Park to join in the 2nd of 3 Sooey anniversary Qs. At 6:29 we pledged, disclaimered, and were off at 6:30 sharp. Didn’t want to miss a minute of the fun.

Mosey over to the community center parking lot for the warm up. You see this is the only part of the workout that was actually planned this morning. I was trying to avoid using the lower parking lot since I always warm up in the lower parking lot.

Warm Up

  • Good Mornings
  • Windmills
  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • A few stretches

Thing 1

  • Grab a partner and one rock per team.
  • Mosey to pickle for rock work and bear crawls, lunges, and running swapping between partners

Indian run to the lower parking lot.

Thing 2

  • Dora 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 Squats while partner runs the pickle

Thing 3

  • With your partner, run the road to the stop side on the other side of the park, stopping at ever other light pool for two burpees.
  • Turn around and pick up the 6 and head towards the flag.

On the way back, I heard a PAX request that we needed to stop at the kiosk hill. The PAX was Theismann. Yesterday he called a Billy Run at my Q at DP. So I made up the billy run up Kiosk hill. Divide into three groups, run up the hill all you got. Return to kiosk and repeat.

Now head back to the flag for real.


YHC was beat. So Theismann took us out with some J-Lo’s, 100’s, Homer to Marge, and have a nice day.

Flenderson, Wrench, and How How joined us for COT after the 5.5 mile run. Strong work fellas!


  • Cataracts recovery


  • Take a few minutes each day to pause and be calm. Be still, and clear your mind. We live in a busy world.
  • Writing back blasts are important. Even if no one reads them. If you read this leave a crazy emoji on the slack post.
  • Thanks for showing up this morning! Hope McCants is on the mend and I made the Natan proud as he requested!

See also