Bad Medicine

YHC doesn’t venture to this side of Carpex all that often, so it was a treat to visit SWW in the warm muggy gloom with 8 other PAX for a early morning randorama.  In part because I don’t want this to be too #vanilla, and also because I just like it, we began our morning with the familiar tunes of Bon Jovi’s Slippery When Wet.  How a Def Leppard song slipped in there I don’t know, but I’m not complaining.

Warm Up

SSHs, Cotton pickers, some high knees and butt kickers, the ever popular Sir Fazio arm circles forward and back and some overhead claps.  Disco Duck is in attendance, and YHC knows how he loves a warm-up burpee so 10 OYO are called.

The Thang

We mosey over to an empty and per Oofta, seldom used parking lot for a new creation from YHC’s twisted mind.  The DoraCrawl 1-2-3 seems PERFECT.  Partner up, with one partner bear crawling to one end of the lot, then crawl bear back while the other partner does 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 Squats.  Flip flop until all completed.  This was TOUGH!  I began to silently question my own sanity for this creation, while in the middle of a crawl bear back to relieve Hermes from his squats.

Once complete, we stay in said parking lot for what, by some accounts, may have been a slightly insane follow up.  A couple weeks ago at BH I was introduced to Burpee 11s.  What better time to resurrect this creation than now?  Circle up, complete 10 merkins, 1 squat jump, then 9 merkins and 2 squat jumps.  And so on.  PAX are asking to run now.

So we run.  I’d actually planned something else, but I think this was a better idea.  Music is traveling with us, the neighbors are probably ticked, but we head down Lochmere Drive to another friendly parking lot.  Circle up to do a few PAX choice Mary exercises.  We Indian run back, hit the park for a quick 15 OYO pullups.  Summer’s coming, gotta hit those biceps, boys!


Continue PAX choice Mary, throw in 10 more OYO Burpees, WWIIs, until Disco Duck calls Have a Nice Day.


Count-a-rama: 2 Respects, 7 Mehs

Announcements: The Mule, the Bull, Shutty’s BBQ

Prayer Requests: Local family who lost their son, Disco’s M in her continued recovery.


Slippery When Wet is the 3rd studio album released by Bon Jovi, in 1986.  In the middle of bear crawls, with the 80s music blasting, I hear Chinese Downhill ask “hey, how old are you Red Ryder?”  I grew up with this music, and already have my tix for Bon Jovi later this spring.  I think I did her Oofta make some kinda smart comment about his parents telling him about hair bands once.

This was a tough workout guys.  Thanks for inspiring me to push myself beyond where I think I can go, every time out.  Make every day a great one, and try to help at least one person who needs it.

See also