Eagle Flyover at Our Flag

No FNGs present, a warm-welcome to all, Respects to our Great Flag,  and off we went with Bacon and Blimps in the air.

A quiet group…

Warm up runs are just that - for warm ups. But why not add stuff in? High Knees with Burpees were called in segments on the way to stretching. Minor grumbling already. This was a good sign.

SSHs, High Plank J-Los, and GMs were called but…

Invigoration of Man was needed…

Mosey’d to an ideal place for Iron Mike’s on the way to lower p-lot.

LBCs IC at the next stop.

Thang 1:
A 6-corner BLIMPS. Modified so that with each circuit around the P-lot, we stopped at 6 stations. Each station we did same exercise in BLIMP order. Circuit 1: 5 Burpees (5 of them) at each station. Circuit 2: 10 (ea side) Imp Walkers x6 stations, etc. End of each circuit hold exercises were called to stay together. Variations of sprinting between stations were called because excitement was running dangerously high among the fellas. Layers were flying.

Thang 2:
Strength with ego rocks was led by Co-Q @Texas Ranger at the lower bridge. Bicep extensions, overhead presses, rock rows were enjoyed by all and left some looking to the sky.

Thang 3:
@Texas Ranger continued the beating with light pole BACON intervals. Very creative and EC bacon to TR. At each light pole (9 or 10) on way back to the flag we started with Burpees and added the next exercise each time. They were…
B_urpees 3
A_mer Hammers 6
C_arolina Drydocks 9
O_utlaws 12
N_olan Ryans 15

The PAX enjoyed the Nolan Ryans as a way to express their exhaustion and discomfort during the workout. The end was near and they smelled the bacon.

MARY: alas, no time.

COT / Praises: 3rd F Bacon feast at the Green Mile (within minutes!), 2nd F Habitat day (was getting organized by YHC and @Half) postponed, @Cataracts healing.

At this moment we were blessed with a bald eagle flying over us, which gave us pause for sure. Then the sun popped over the Sr. Center building.

PRAYER: we finished with an awesome take out prayer by @Texas Ranger.

See also