BackPack Buddies - Carpex Community Outreach

To all PAX - F3 Carpex will be supporting the BackPack Buddies program this fall. Through First United Methodist Church (site of BO), we will be providing food to kids, grades K-3 at Adams Elementary, that don’t have the family resources to always put a good meal on the table. Please start gathering items from this list over the next 10 days. Ideally, we will deliver it to the Church on August 3rd. The collection process is still to be determined, but ideally it will be done July 31-Aug 2 during VQ week. The program goes on throughout the school year, so if we need to audible on the timing, it is fine. Disco Duck is the Co-Q, so if you have any questions, you can reach out to either of us.

These are the items they try to provide for each child weekly to take home to their family. If you are shopping, try to stay to this list, but if you are scouring your pantry, I am sure they can find use for other non-perishables. Ideally we would end up with a reasonable balance of these items, but in order to keep it simple just provide whatever works for you.

Canned meat Chicken, Spaghetti with meat, Ravioli, Soups with meat, tuna

Canned vegetables Black Beans, Potatoes, Peas, Green Beans, Corn, mixed veg. etc.

Canned fruit (No soft top containers) Fruit cocktail, peaches, pears, mandarin oranges

Mac and cheese Individual serving – Microwavable

Ramen Noodles

Instant oatmeal Cereal (small individual boxes) Juice boxes No Capri Sun

Snacks (snack/cereal bar, crackers, raisins etc.)