BackBlast(s) Beatdown

So last week I had a brutal beatdown planned to end my one year anniversary week, but some unforeseen circumstances prevented that. Luckily Wrench is a true HIM and stepped in and even luckier the Q was open this week so I had a second chance to bring some pain.


For those who don’t know, Wrench’s DES this year is to run the Maynard and then do a murph and I’m guessing probably a triathlon in the afternoon. So I showed up at 5am since I hadn’t done a murph before and it sounded fun…well the first 20 pullups are fun but those last 80 suck. Wrench is a beast for doing the first half in a weighted vest.

Main Event

I wonder how many Qs it takes before that “nobody is going to show up” feeling goes away, but everyone started rolling in and as I looked around it was a relief cuz we had a group of studs and I was worried it might have been too aggressive in the workout plan but this group could handle it. First we ran out to High House and down the hill for the warmup. Figured the warmup needed to be a little further away so we could get some mileage in, because with a few merkins and sir fazios out of the way we made out way to the giant hill in the field at Bond Park where we would be spending the rest of the morning. I have to admit that I stole a lot of this workout from Wrench’s awesome D-Day workout.

Basically the workout went like this, start at the far end of the field, do an exercise called to the small hill and then sprint the large hill. I told them we would be spelling out a word and if they could guess it we would do something easier. So it went

B - Bear Crawls

A - Alternating Lunges (a guess of backback and back blast…uhh ohh, new rule of only one guess per round, these guys are too smart)

C - Crab Walks

K - Killer Bs (Burpees with a broadjump at the end))

B - Bear Crawls again

L - Lunges

A - Another round of crab walks

S - Slow Mosey

T - Total Sprint

S - Seriously the Last Total Spring

Some grumbling since backblast was guessed, but I wanted ten rounds so technically the word was backblast(S). Since it was heavy leg work till this point we moseyed over to the rock pile for upperbody work with curls, overhead press, triceps extensions and rows. Then back for some Mary. I had to call Esikmo Merkins since its kinda my thing but halfway through I was really having some regrets, those earlier Murph merkins showed back up and there was some danger of not being able to finish that last merkin.

Prayers and Praises - Prayers for Chewie and his back and prayers for YHC’s 2.0. Texas Ranger took us out with some great words to start a weekend.

I knew this workout would be hard but it was really even harder then I thought. 10 hill sprints even without the exercises are no joke. Really want to thanks everyone because it was an awesome group, no one complained and everyone gave it their all. En Guard killed it especially with this being only I think his second F3 workout. Texas Ranger taking off his shirt - Achievement Unlocked, making someone Merlot - Achievement Locked (for now). Fun Fact, Mama’s Boy has hill speed, I’d usually look back on the sprint to the hill and see a decent sized lead and then lose it immediately as he blazed up the hill. Now I just need to think up a 20letter word for next time.

See also