Backblast two-fer

Taking a page out of the high-tempo-ness of the two AOs to which this two-fer belongs and high-tempoing this mofo in one uninterrupted writing block.

Clock. Starts. Now. 7:01PM start.

Measured Thrice

Location: TGM

PAX: YHC, Parker, Snots, 1-4, Pivot, Skidmore (out of towner… sort of), Biner, Hi-Liter + Ruckers: Trike, Repeato + Pooch, Skipper


Bring yo gloves. Bring yo water. Start your Stravas. Follow me.

Leave said gloves and said water (except Hi-Liter who claims that water makes him weak) over by the buses.

Thang 1 - You vs You.

Time is 0605. Run down to the greenway and proceed east for 18 minutes. Goal is the tunnel under 55. Turn around. Make it back in 17 minutes. Start your Stravas Hi-Liter.

The PAX make it to the tunnel in 18 minutes and change. We make it back to the busses in ~36 minutes. Not bad. Winded.

Thang 2 - Partner up.

Recover on the “Go get a cinderblock”.

Partner up and complete (together) 50 Block-burpees - 100 Squat-Thrusts - 150 Block swings while partner runs to the bike racks, completes 25 Aussie pull-ups and runs back.

That sucked. Drink some water. Except Hi-liter. Water makes him weak. Especially when it escapes his body, soaks his shirt, and is not replenished from the sky somehow.

Thang 3 - All together now.

Mosey back to the flag. Circle up. Stretches of all sorts. Mostly legs. Some shoulders and back. Finish up with a beach-body set (25 IC LBC, 20 L-obliques, 20 L/R heel touches, 20 R-obliques).

Have a nice day. Lincoln finds this very amusing and licks everyone. It was great.


#s: 8 + 3.

Announcements: TCP.

Prayers: IRs.

Garmin Relay

Location: Kryptonite

PAX: YHC, Largemouth, GTL, Chanticleer, Staubach, Bagels, Michelob, Capt Jack, Chops, Grease Monkey, Oofta, Squatter, Wonderbread, Denali.


Chanticleer-paced mosey (circa 7:27 min/mile pace) to the Caterpillar parking lot.

Circle up for no-stop 20 IC SSH, 20 Merking, 20 IC Plank Jacks, 20 Merkins


Count off by 1-2-3. Teams split off approx equidistant around the Lifetime Fitnetss 1K course for group Catch Me If You Can with 10x HRM, 10x Sumo Squat Jumps and 10x FMs at stations 1-2-3.

We went around and around and around until it looked like Michelob’s team caught GTL’s team. Or when I got dizzy.

Winners: Team 3. Run the loop

Losers: Burpees until they return.

They took their time.

En route back to flag, we stopped by the Garmin building. Garmin-wearers on one side for monkey humpers while non-Garmin-wearers did 5 OYO burpees. Grease was neither and did some combination of neither to match.

Mosey (Squatter pace this time) back to the flag.

Circle up for a Check-your-mileage. Find it 0.16 miles short. Denali demands justice. We did a small loop.




Still 14.

Announcements: none

Prayers: none

YHC took us out.


  • Weather was perfect both days. Beautiful October morning. Weird that it is middle of June.
  • You know what else was weird. Saturday Green Mile and Monday Kryptonite - CARPEX’s highest mileage AOs - had no overlapping participants. Very weird.
  • Logged zero geocaches following either AO.
  • Logged coffee with some great peeps follow both AOs.
  • Fantastic conversations throughout. Both days. Glad we remain comfortable speaking our thoughts with each other and willing to engage in conversation even if we may not see eye-to-eye on things.

It’s 7:22 PM. Stop your Stravas.

See also