Back to the Future

23 HIMs braved the sticky gloom to re-discover what makes Dante’s Peak the PREMIER site on Fridays in Apex.  No new stuff, all vanilla.  Just pretend those turf fields aren’t even there.

21 HIMs pledged allegiance and off we go.

Warm Up

  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • SSHs
  • Trike shows up at 5:46, so 5 burpees OYO
  • Cotton pickers
  • Beetle rolls in at 5:47, so 5 burpees OYO
  • Good Mornings, Sir Fazio, Hill Billies

Mosey to the top of the hill, wake up Monkey Nut’s neighbors with 5 squats.  Continue mosey toward the basketball court, pausing for 5 burpees at each light pole.

Thang 1

Partner up, size does not matter.  Time for some DoraCides.  Partner 1 will work on 100 Shoulder Tap Merkins, 200 Peter Parkers, and 300 Prisoner Squats while Partner 2 runs a suicide.  Flip flop until complete.

Thang 2.1

Keep your partner. Partner 1 BTTW, Partner 2 bear crawl the length of the basketball court and mosey back.  2 rounds

Thang 2.2

Circle up, shoulder to shoulder for a two rounds of Guantanamo.

Mosey back to the flag.


PAX choice of various exercises, including some of our favorites such as Catalina Wine Makers, Chilcutt Peter Parkers and finishing up with Have a Nice Day.


  • 2 Hates, 3 Respects, 18 Mehs
  • Announcements - Celebrating Carpex’ 5 year anniversary with a convergence at DZ on August 31, rumor is there is a stair climb on 9/11
  • Prayers/Praises: Kubota’s successful BBQ fundraiser, Yoga Mat’s foot, Goose’s son, Liverpool & Khaki’s families dealing with some tough issues.


  • Don’t be late unless you like burpees. Which, according to Hi-Liter, are a good stretch.
  • YHC was determined to NOT touch the pretty new fields at DP.  There are SO many options, let’s use some of the classics.
  • T-claps to the EC crew who knocked out 50 pullups at 5:10. I think some guys ran in too.
  • Look for opportunities to brighten someone’s day.  And be a little better today than you were yesterday.

See also