Back to Back 03 Jan 2018

15 degrees could not keep 13 HIMS from donning their tights for another weight intensive Tortoise workout.

After much tutelage by Hermes YHC was prepared and eager to Q my first. With a limited knowledge of the Lexicon and the Exicon the morning ensued with a pledge of allegiance to the United States of America.

Warm-up 40 high knee walking pace 40 high knee with a twist walking pace 40 Imperial Walkers 10 Johnny Roscoes 50 Arm Circles coordinated with one foot circling out in front (left foot) 50 Arm Circles coordinated with one foot circling out in front (right foot)

Thang 1:

After pairing up we took a slight jog to retrieve our workout Buddies (cinder blocks) for the next few exercises.

5 Sets of: 5 Pull ups 10 Spiderman Merkins 14 Lunges with overhead cinder block press

After a short jog around the parking lot to give our arms a chance to recover we returned to our Cinder Block Buddies.

With our cinder blocks over our heads for as long as we could we lunged our way across the parking lot returning the cinder blocks to their rightful homes.

Thang 2

With our upper body properly taxed we commenced the Mary portion of the workout. 12 Crunchy Frogs 24 Swimming Supermans 12 Elbow to knee crossovers 24 Swimming Rocketmans 12 Hatching Butterflies 24 Face down Snow Angles 12 V ups 24 Wide Swimming Supermans 24 LBCs 24 Wide Swimming Rocketmans

Have a nice day

The Pax were gracious throughout the workout in their training of YHC.

Announcements GroupMe is transitioning to Slack. Krispy Kreme donut race is around the corner Blue Ridge Relay meeting…

Prayer Request Spartan requests continued prayer for his M as she continues her recovery from surgery

Disco Duck’s friend/family member Chris was recently diagnosed with Cancer.

See also