Back on the wagon....

Hard to believe - we are here- June 4, 2018 and YHC has not Q’d in 2018 (other than vesper).  This from a guy that averaged close to 1x per week in 2017.  Oh well, off the horse and here we go.

Step 1 - on your 6 - Have a nice day.  This was a not so subtle dig at the site Qs that moved their AO start time to 5:30.  YHC much prefers 5:45.  Intent was to Have a nice day for 15 minutes - but oh well - had to get serious.

Warm up - Imperial walker, sir fazio (both ways, small and large circles), overhead clap and then quick feet (primarily so YHC could stretch a bit) and then we were off.

1/2 mile run - straight out the park, across davis and down the neighborhood road stopping next to the playground after 1/2 mile for a few more warm up exercises (which included mountain climbers in the road but i dont remember what else)

Then another 1/2 mile run - along the greenway - suddenly popping out at MIlls Park Middle - we thought we should get Rooney to work a little early.

Partner up for Standard Dora - 100- merkins, 200, LBCs, 300 squats - with P2 running the loop.

After Dora - went to front entrance for 20x dips, inclined merkins, then 15x, 10x and 5x.

Run out the main entrance, across the road and back down Davis.

YHC got a bit cranky when 5-6 Pax got out in front - so we stopped for a bit of squat hold until they returned.  Then - cut through the woods to the north field and over to the rock pile.

Everyone get a rock - form a circle for curls, Overhead press, triceps extensions, and rock rows - 3 sets of each with rotating rocks.

Back to parking lot - for Mary of WW2 situps and we were done.

Great to get back out and lead - thanks for following.

COT - some announcements, some prayers and YHC took us out (thats what happens when you wait a week to post BB).

See also