Back of the Lowes Parking Lot

I got a tip from my coworker that the park was closed this week.  A quick check of the park’s facebook page, yeah it has a facebook page, and I knew we needed an alternate location.  The back of the Lowes parking lot will work.  I didn’t foresee the confusion on the location but Joe Smith is a lawyer so that might be the problem.

I showed up and Hermes was already there and Ollie was directing people to our location. It was cold and wet and at 5:46 we were off.

Warm up - Jog a lap over to Chanticleers and circle up.  SSH, GM, IW, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers. Merkins

The Thang - Catch me if you cans up Cary Parkway to Lochmere Drive. Partner 1 - backwards run. Partner 2 - 5 burpees, sprint to your partner.

Ladders in the PT parking lot: first bear crawl 3 spots then 2 donkey kicks and then 4, 6, and so on.  Next, lunge walk 3 spots and squat pulses 2, 4, 6 and so on.

Jog across Tryon to our new favorite Hill for a set of Sevens. Monkey Humpers at the top and Star Jumps at the bottom.

Jog to the gas station and all you got to the flag.

Finish up with a ring of fire: 5 merkins and 5 shoulder touches around the circle.

We finished on time: 6:30.

COT - 13

Prayers for Saban’s Aunt Ellen and Callahan’s friend Luke.  I took us out in prayer as was reminded how the Lord sustains us and allows us to be out there.


  • Thankful for the support and encouragement.
  • I was trying to find some new territory and not just go near Oofta’s house.
  • Glad SwissMiss and Pee Cup came out for their 2nd F3 workout.
  • Cheddar Bo why is the park closed?
  • Hermes mentioned something about BRR
  • Flip Flop recorded a 40 to the flag. Might need a redo on that.
  • Callahan was there.
  • We covered 2.8 miles or so.
  • Netscape is an old browser.

See also