Back of the bus

Q-school time fellas.

Showed up early enough to get the bricks out of the back. But not so early as to have to do it alone. Thanks Schroeder for the help. Having sat through Ma’s Q-school @ FOD earlier in the week, knew the focus today was going to be on putting things into practice. A group of eight for the main event - with a fly-through from HK - made it all just about perfect.

Start: 5:30 on the dot. Tradition: start on time.
Also tradition: Pledge at the Flag.
Also tradition: Start your Strava.

Warm-up: everyone grabs two bricks and circles up. That right there is all the mileage we’re going to get today. Quick disclaimer.

Warm-ups with help from some of the old timers on the cadence while we cover some F3 CARPEx history and the Core Principles. Fun discussion over the 2nd one. It is “Men Only” or “Open to all men”. Pretty unanimous that it’s the latter. More open and welcoming. For Q School, though, the principle of F3 being led by the men in a rotating fashion is the focus.

There were Sir Fazios, Overhead Presses, Merkins, Mountain Climbers and some stretches.


Pair up. Get to know your fellow PAX. Each pair picks one body and one mary exercise. PAX 1 counts the first, PAX 2 counts the second. Flip flop. Everyone else gets to know their brother. Rotate. Practice cadences.

Exercises included: merkins, dying cockroaches, man-makers, tricep extensions, flies, rock rows, upright rows, freddy mercs, American hammers, and several more I can’t remember. Everyone got several turns calling and counting an exercise.


Still time left. Keep it going with each PAX calling one exercise. Most Mary. More practice. Each PAX called out the Mission of F3 prior to the exercise.


Countarama: 8

Announcements: lots of CCM going on. While your taking a deuce, think of Burt, and buy a raffle.

Prayers: Snots, mom, Rachel


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