Back in the Saddle

I’ve been trying to decide when i was ready to Q again and noticed a BO opening so figure that would be a great opp to get back in the saddle again.

Solid group of 19 gathered in the parking lot ready to do some work. Burt recites the abbreviated version of the F3 mission and we are off.

Mozy to random parking lot near the train tracks for a brief warm with no merkins, but with a on point Nature Boy Good Morning call.

Lunge walk, squat combo work down side street heading to town hall complex. Safety was a concern, but we had lookouts in both directions. Cary’s finest weaved around us by cutting through a parking lot.

11’s with Australian pull ups and HRM at the fountain

2 sets of 4 corners in town hall parking lots

Merkins, jump squats, monkey humpers and low slow flutters

Mozy back to the shovel flag for Hi-liter led stretching


Blood drive this Saturday

BRR (bike, run, ruck) fundraiser for Haven House Oct 3. See Coney or Burt for details

Odyssey Oct 24 from FOD. Qs needed

Prayers and Praises

Callahan and Riptide recovery as well as others injured or on IR

Blue and Out’s son

Some I missed for sure


6 or 7 beasts for the EC run

Props to Hermes and Disco for keeping Rip company for the IR option today.

Can’t quite get my arms around the idea of Nature Boy being a Raleigh guy, but thanks for making the trek back to your birthplace.

Thanks Burt for bringing my OMG Becky shirt. It is still in my car, so I need to be sure to get it washed before the stink sets in.

First Q since my injury and it was an honor to lead and accept the Dove Body Wash

See also