Back in the Saddle

You ever had one of those moments when that which you once found easy to do is now quite taxing. It has almost been three weeks since I last posted. Many HIMs have reached out to check in on me during this time and I am appreciative. Never the less it was time to get back in the saddle. There’s nothing like putting yourself on the hook to Q to hold you accountable to posting. The most challenging part of the entire Q was doing one of the most simplest of tasks… counting cadence.

12 Pax arrived on a chillier than expected Monday morning to get themselves right. After a quick disclaimer we moseyed around the pickle and incorporated some High Knee, Butt Kicker, Cariocas and Bear Crawls before circling up for warm up.

Warmup- Steve Earle, Nancy Kerrigan, Cotton Picker, Superman, Dive Bomber, Good Morning.

Thang 1 - With Kettle bells in hand we mosey down to the pond to set up our circuit. Dividing into three groups of 4 we split off into the following stations. Station 1 - 1 Pull-up. Station 2 - 2 Goblet Squats. Station 3 - 3 Merkins. Sprint to each station until completing the circuit and return to plank hold. Set 2 - Repeat stations 1 - 3 but x2 at every station. Set 3 -x3. Set 4 - x4. Set 5 - x5. Set 6 - x6. Set 7 - x10.

Mosey back to the flag for Mary and COT.

See also