AND Back in the Saddle

Whew, it’s been a while!  YHC did have one random Hells Bells Q during my extended stay on the IR but today’s Q definitely puts me back in the saddle.  There was a great crowd of 17 pax to welcome YHC back in and a nice cool breeze ta boot.

Back in January listening to the F3 podcast it was suggested that all of our workouts start with the disclaimer.  Everytime.  So since this was YHC’s first time back since way back when, it was given. Here’s the Roundtable call if you want to listen

Disclaimer:  I’m not a professional, you’re out here at your own risk, modify when needed, we leave no man behind.

Warm Up:  Mosey to the back school entrance for a tight circle up.  -  10 GMs, 15 Hillbillies, 20 Merkins, 25 SSHs

The Thang:

Partner Up - P1 Aussie Mtn Climbers  /  P2 run the roundabout (flapjack x 3)

Now mosey the playground (use the gate, it’s open…) - P1 AMRAP Pull-Ups  /  P2  run to bball court, bear crawl across run back (flapjack x 3)

Now mosey to the track. -  P1 and P2 run opposite directions, meet for an exercise, run back, get the 6 and await a Jack Web 1:4 ratios.

Lap 1:  Partner Burpees NSYNC Jack Web:  Merkin  /  Seal claps (chest on ground, arms out horizontal clapping the ground) Up to 5 merkins / 20 claps

Lap 2:  Toddler Squats (YAY!) Jack Web:  Squat  /  CDD 5 sets

Lap 3:  Partner Derkins Jack Web:  Heals to Heaven  /  Flutter Kicks (On my AND*) 5 sets

Lap 4:  Partner WWIIs (hi-five when you come up) Jack Web:  #TheStandard -  Merkins  /  Airpresses (if you’re soft move to the grass) 5 sets

0610 and we mosey home to the flag.  There were a few questioning YHC’s route back and the time.  One of those from YHC’s very own “accountability” partner.  It hurt a little.

Back at the flag, 0615.  #nailedit


  • 18 pax
  • for all the latest events.  Check the carpex NEWS Slack channel for other announcements.
  • Prayers:  Asystole’s mom, Hi-Liter’s mom, I think there were more
  • Praises:  Repeato’s One Year Anniversary!, YHC’s knee (feel about 92%, not quite Maynard ready unfortunately)

So great to be back at it again.  Thanks everyone for the encouragement, prayers, asking about me, joining me for 6pack coffeeteria, etc, etc, etc, etc.  We are #CarpexStrong baby!!


  • Khakis came in hotter than I’ve ever seen.  Like on ONE wheel
  • Forgot how counting when you’re out of breath as the Q sucks.  It’s a good suck though.
  • Kitty wondered if I was winging it half way through the beatdown.  That’s a clown question bro.  Scott Gordon knows what I’m sayin.  #NotebookzWithBeatdownzForDayz
  • Decided on those JW merkin/claps while sitting in the dressing room of Athleta while the M tried on bathing suits as I read Men’s Fitness.  #didyouknow
  • Do you even cadence count, bros?  On my AND is like on my UP or my DOWN when those don’t fit in to the exercise.  AND shutty.
  • 2 FMJ coozies and counting!
  • Must say.  0615 arrival at the flag.
  • I still got it, fellas.
  • Beware.

Shutty out

See also