"Back in my Day..."

Yes, yes, yes we’ve heard it all before, “up hill… in the snow… both ways…” Whatever! That never happened but I’m going to smile and nod because you’ve earned the right to tell your story the way you want it told. Good for you.

This on the other hand did happen and 12 PAX wrote the script, directed, produced, starred and film edited (well that was all Parker) their own version of “Back in my Days of F3!”

Lights, Camera, ACTION!: Sonny get me a beer out dat cooler then sit right there on that log I got a stury to tell you. It was the dead of winter. The snow was so high the Parks and Recreation department locked up and conned off the entrance to the Apex Nature Park where me and my F3 buddies would meet every Friday for a good ol’ fashion self administered beat down. You young’uns now a days don’t know anything about beat downs. Have I ever told you what a switch is used for… I digress. Cones be damned though. We parked on the sidewalk! 0545 we gave our Pledge of Allegiance. The roads were as slick as Crisco on a pig’s back so we moseyed on down to the pavilion using that snow packed sidewalk. We high kneed, butt kicked, twisted side to side and lunged our way down dat hill until the Q stopped us in mid lunge for 25 forward arm circles, we took one more step and reversed our arm circles. We somehow made it all the way to cover where the real fun began. You see, we had some picnic tables there and they ain’t good for nut’n if ye ain’t got some vittles so we stepped up on to them about 25 times. After that we did 10 Derkins and 25 midget squats. Have you ever met a midget Sonny? Well, I ain’t either but I’ve met a midget squat and they suck! Did I ever tell you about my bird dog? That’s cus I never had one. But we did 60 Bird Dog exercises next. From there we paired up for what we called Dora. My partner and I knocked out the following: 50 Pull-ups 100 Derkins 200 (2 count) squats 300 LBC (quit asking me so many questions boy) Q had four cones hidden in the snow. While my partner was chipping away at the aforementioned Dora I lunged to the first cone, ran to the second, lunged to the third and then ran to relieve my partner and take a swing at Dora. “Recover!” That’s what Q says at the end of an exercise. What happens next you don’t tell anybody I told you least I teach you what a switch is. Remember them picnic tables… we laid on ’em. What we doing was 25 Swimming Supermans, 25 Dying Cockroaches, 25 Swimming Rocketmans and 25 Crunchy Frogs but what is looked like was very different. It looked like we were doin table humping! That just wrong! Don’t ever table hump. It was all over after that. Run along now… I need a nap.

Announcements: Q Swap is going really well

Prayer Request: 21 Years ago today Suey lost a friend and requests prayer for all who loved and was effected by the loss of his friend. Red Rider cousin’s wife had breast cancer surgery but test results show some really aggressive cells so she’ll go through kemo. Ascot’s friend Tony is going into surgery for prostate cancer later on this month.

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