Back in Black

Knowing that today was going to be hot one 13 HIMS showed up early to Tortoises to get their workout in the most palatable part of the day. Having not Q’d in a few weeks I felt like some back work was in order. But then again YHC always feels like some back work is in order. But is wasn’t all work, we danced a little bit to some AC/DC. With that said… here we go.

Warm up

Mosey around the pickle w/ high knee and butt kickers mixed in.

Circled up Cotton Pickers, Windmill, Imperial Walkers and Fluttering Superman

Thang 1

Putting the local company’s hand railing to good use we slipped underneath and performed 10 inverted rows followed by a 15 yard Marco Grouch walk. Did this 5 times. Held plank for the six. Pax are feeling good at this point, as is YHC

Thang 2

Found some coupons (cores) and put them to good use. Paired up for a little Catch Me if You Can. Partner one, with a core in each hand, began the trip around the pickle by performing a lunge with a overhead press at the top. Partner 2 performed 15 4-count Mountain climbers then ran to partner one for the tag and his turn at the lunges. This took a lot out of our shoulders. We’re breathing hard but spirits are still high.

Thang 3

A mosey to the pull up bar was inevitable. There, while remaining partnered up, we built a pyramid. 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Partner 1 did his 1 pull up while partner two performed Derkins, upon tagging partner 2 performed his 1 pull up while partner 1 did Derkins. This continued up and down the pyramid. Pax are fairly tired and ready for some mary.


THUNDERSTRUCK- A little AC/DC to wrap things up. During the song pax start with performing Goofball (kind of like a standing mountain climber). Every time the word “Thunder” is mentioned pax hit the deck in the push up position to perform a In/Out the jump back up to continue with goofball. During the 5:03 song 31 Thunders sent us to the ground for an In/Out. This tested our mettle. All pax fought hard. YHC nearly threw Merlot. Alas Brian Johnson’s final wail “You’ve been Thunderstuck….”  came and not a moment too soon.


Drunk Snow Angles- Perform a snow angle while on your belly x 20

Hatching butterfly x 10



Memorial Day Convergence- please spread the word

Earhart leading a food train for High Lighter’s mom is the wake of his father’s passing. See post on slack for details

Prayer Request

Pax who attend the memorial service for High Lighter’s father were deeply moved by the service.

Ascot’s brother in medical school- prayers for him as he navigates the rigors of the program

Pickle’s 12 yr old nephew, Edward, is now cancer free – Praise God!

Red Ryder’s mom health is failing in general- we pray for God to bring the right people into her life as she seeks to get this turned around

My Niece, Brice, who just finished med school and is now a practicing Dr. was just diagnosed with melanoma. Pray she and her family seeks God during this time and the Lord’s mercies be upon her.

Naked Moleskin

Shout out to Bocephus who returned to F3 today after taking some time off. Way to hang in there in our “limited run” workout.

See also