Back Home Again

Thanks to the wizardry of @hotspot and his weekly Q summaries, I noticed that my beloved FOD had no Q for the week. Having just come off the TR run, it was time to get back on the Q wagon, and here was the perfect opportunity. Let’s see what Ma Bell dialed up on 3/27/18

First, @pbx and @skyblue and YHC ran in per our usual route, arriving in time for the customary fist bumps and pre-workout mumble chatter. Parker, eager to try out his new weight vest, convinced Bartman, Hi-Liter, Angry Elf, and Biner to wear theirs as well. OK, your choice bro.


After a Figure 8 lap around the parking lot, assemble at the nearest rip rap pile and grab a substantial rock and circle up. We did some GMs, SSH, and of course, Merkins. Then we did some rock work consisting of multiple rounds of curls, tricep extenstions, and overhead presses.

The Thang 1

Jog to the bottom of the hill leading to the USA Baseball parking lot. Do Essau’s Ladder - starting at 2 and increasing by 2 each trip up to 14, do jump squats at the top of the long hill. At the bottom, do 10 lunge jumps every time. Here’s the bonus: you’re running backwards up the hill. Pick up the 6 or squat hold when you’re done. You’ll thank me later.

The Thang 2

Jog back toward Thomas Brooks, past the rip rap, and over to the shelter by the lower football field with unnecessary and incorrectly colored lines on it. Do 10 pull-ups, then circumnavigate said field, stopping at  each corner to do 10 Merkins. Was going to do multiple variations of this, until @petsounds reminded me we needed to leave time for Mary. Good call. So do 10 more pull-ups when you get back then plank-a-rama until everyone is done.


Follow me back to the parking lot and circle up. Mary consisted of various rapid count Mary exercises culminating in, of course, Merkins. Yes Merkins, if done properly, are a core exercise.


Count-a-rama: 21 Name-a-rama: 3 RESPECTS, 17 mehs, 1 Hate Announcements: The Bull, April 14th; F3 Dads Camp Prayers: Many BOM: YHC took us out with a special Easter Week prayer

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, and props to the aforementioned gentlemen who completed the workout with extra weight!

Congrats and good luck to Moped who is getting married this weekend!

See also