Back Blast[oise]

I knew I wanted to do it at some point. 8 calendar days into the Q game seemed pretty early to break it out, but @F3CaryBO forced my hand. And as I started to piece together the workout options… there are too many ideas to be contained in 45 minutes, so consider this round one. I may have hidden from the Q spotlight for a year, but now my penchant for gimmicky theme is coming into view and I can hide it no longer.

A bit of EC - Meowth-mile. I thought we were going to miss Hello Kitty this time, so I co-opted the title, and then Term Paper co-opted the route. Consider this my way to tip the scales in favor of Pokemon as far as cute Japanese franchises are concerned. I am obviously biased.

FNG-check. Quick COR. I want to be the very best, so let’s get it.


Run down Walker St. Pause in the Fairview Rd lot for:

Line up for an Ekans Indian Run. Run out the south sidewalk to Walnut St. Follow it around to the library.

Alternate between Krabby Walks and Psyduck Walks back to the corner. Repeato back to the library.

Thang - Dora doesn’t live in Kanto, so we were visited by Misty 1-2-3

Partner Up. Each group completes the following while the travelling PAX circles the library:

Line back up for Ekans Indian Run back to Chatham. Much better form this time! Mosey back toward Walker.

Circle up on your six in the auto shop parking lot for a quick round of Misty:

  • 20 Freddie Mercuries (in honor of our new found Bicycle)
  • 20 Flutter Kicks (in honor of the Butterfree paid us a visit)

Bill run to the flag.

Pokeballs to the wall till the end.


COR - 22 / NOR - 6 Respects, 13 Mehs, 3 Hates


  • Co-opting is a subtheme today - 2nd F moved to Duck Donuts
  • 10Mar - Mule in Raleigh
  • Saturday morning long run options led by Hello Kitty, aim to finish for Phoenix COT
  • RSVP to Shut-In’s event on 28Feb

Prayer Requests / Praises

  • Praise for the clear results for Shut-In’s uncle
  • Prayers for our nation and the families grieving after the Florida shooting


  • Feels good to get a gimmicky one in the books. One glance at my Twitter page reveals more than it should about the stuff I follow on a week-to-week basis. I fear that this may just be the tip of the iceberg in my repertoire of goofy workouts.
  • I had a plan to blast the Pokerap during the Pokeballs to the Wall, but my tech goofed on me. So much for showing off my Millennial status.
  • Got a solid push from Rip today during the Krabbywalks. Needed that push to stave off some Q-placency that was creeping up.
  • Says a lot about our crew that each of my Qs so far have had around 20 PAX, but no one hit all three. Awesome, diverse group of PAX we have in Carpex.
  • I was hoping to see Kubota again for a reference to this fine anagram of his name.
  • Thank you for the opportunity to lead. It was a privilege to work with you in the gloom.

See also