B R aRen't

18 Pax made it out to Hunter Street Park for a lovely 74 degree and 94 percent humid morning.  Slack chatter was looking for an unfriendly BRR beatdown.  Lots of mileage was logged yesterday so YHC agreed.

See, not always Angry Shutty.  Sometimes Very Accomodating Shutty.

Here’s what went down after the 0545 disclaimer and Shut-In Shignature warmup…

Thang 1:  Plank-o-rama

  • First pax took a lap around the soccer field fence and circled back up at the skate park.
  • YHC explained he likes to work on things he sucks at.  Plank is atop the list.
  • Go around the cirlce 10 counting different plank positions (x 18pax = about 500 seconds it felt like…)
  • Low plank, left side, right side, moutain climbers, plank jacks, j-los, and more.
  • YHC even mumblechattered his own Thang due to excessive “in cadence” counts…meaning 10 count was more like 40 counts!!

Thang 2:  Parking Lot Escalator

  • Run to the side FiA lot
  • Lunge walk across the lot
  • 5 Merkins, mosey back
  • Lunge walk across the lot
  • 10 Merkins, mosey back
  • Repeato until 25 merkins
  • Take a lap around the greenway half of the park (around the baseball field)
  • Broad Jump Burpee across
  • 5 Heals to Heaven
  • Repeato until 20 Heals to Heaven
  • Take a lap
  • Time to DEescalate (thanks for the big work Red Ryder)
  • 25 Merkins
  • 10 Aussie Mtn Climbers
  • 20 Merkins
  • 10 Aussie Mtn Climbers
  • Repeato until 5 Merkins

Back to the flag and one more Plank-O-Rama to close us out.  YHC only allowed 10 counts no matter what plank exercise it was!


Final Thought:  Blue n Out shared some struggles his coworkers are having and pointed out how we never know what is going on in the lives of people around us.  Get to know them, treat them well, “pick up the 6”.  Earhart continued the conversation talking about Sad Clown Syndrome and how we can be that light, be that HIM, that can pull these guys up with F3 being the catalyst.  YHC closed it out sharing how Saul, who would become the king of Isreal, was actually picked for that role while he was out looking for his dad’s lost donkeys.  Just a normal day to Saul ends up being a game changer.  We have no idea how God will use us in ordinary circumstances.  So while living out your day to day be aware of those around you and be willing to answer when you’re called.  It can change your life or another person’s life even with a simple interaction.


See also