
YHC and Largemouth for 5.2 miles at a conversational 7:30 pace. Don’t worry everybody, we figured it all out.

Franklin, Badlands & Sooey for a crowd control 5 mile run of their own.

8 socially-distant PAX set out for a traveling warm-up

**Moseying from the flag to the baseball field parking lot we stopped along the way for Good Mornings, Windmill, Steve Earles, SSH, and Mnt. Climbers.

**Thang One
**Spreading out the distance of the large parking lot we performed escalating BLIMPS suicides increasing the number of reps of each exercise by 1 as we went back and forth from island to island in the parking lot.

Mosey back toward the flag stopping at the rock pile.

**Thang Two
**Making sure to only touch the ego rock we plan on using, we went to the parking lot for 5 rounds of 5 reps of curls, shoulder presses, tricep extensions, squats, and rows, then bear crawl your rock halfway, run the rest of the way, back to your rock, bear crawl back to start and repeat.


Announcements: Go to Slack for up-to-date info on AOs and workouts
Prayers/Praises: Prayers for Schlitz’s grandparents and all the frontline healthcare professionals within our PAX and their families.

YHC took us out with a quote from John Quincy Adams

“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”


See also