At this rate, we'll never get to the top

So except for the 3 new AOs, Rush Hour was my last site to Q to complete the 2018 Challenge. I had only been to RH one other time, the week before, but it was enough to scout out some locations and get the skinny on how things go down here.

I had been told to expect a small group, so I was pleasantly surprised to see 11 other HIMS ready for the beat down. I go to meet Freon and Press On, as well as work out with Kermit and Speed Racer, who I hadn’t seen in forever. And I was really excited about FNG Spock coming out who was EH’s by Captain Kirk himself.

Plus, our roving reporter Hello Kitty was there and I got to spend 5 good minutes with him.

5:45pm. Disclaimer for Spock and off we go.

We mosey around the parking lot to the open field near the parking deck.

Warm-Up Windmill, Steve Earle, Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Clap, Moroccan Night Club, Mnt. Climber, Merkin

Thang 1 Partner Up - Both Partners Crab Walk away from each other to the opposite ends of the lot, then perform 2 Crab Cakes. Run to middle to meet partner and perform 2 Partner Squats. Repeat 5 times increasing reps by 2 up to 10.

Thang 2 Partner 1 run to the first landing of the stair well, perform 5 Tuck Jumps then run down stairs to partner. Partner 2 rotates through 10 SSH, 10 CDD, 10 LBCs until partner returns. Flap Jack. Each partner ascends the stairs one level at a time performing 5 Tuck Jumps at each platform until they get to the 6th level at the top.

Thang 3 Partner Up - Both Partners Bear Crawl away from each other to the opposite ends of the lot, then perform 1 Burpee. Run to middle to meet partner and perform 2 Partner Merkins. Repeat 5 times increasing burpees by 1 and Merkins by 2.

Mosey to the flag

Mary Boat/Canoe, Plank Variations, 100’s

COT Cary Christmas Parade on the 8th Carpex Christmas Party on the 13th F3 South Wake CSAUP on the 15th

YHC took us out with a quote from Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged

“Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking.” 


See also