
Captain Jack put out the call for a last minute Q at BiB… and YHC is fully in ‘Do Everything As Much And As Soon As Possible’ mode till 2.2 arrives. So here we are!

Quick recon via car followed by a followup on foot and back with 20 seconds to spare. Minimal intros, and off we go! FOLLOW ME.

Run around to the eastern trailhead, and hold for warmup 1: GM / SSH

Run up the Ederlee hill and hold at Regency Woods for warmup 2: TT / HB / SFAC / rSFAC. Cross the parking lot entrance.


There are 20 light poles between Regency Woods and Penny Rd. This is LIght Pole 11s. Odd poles: increasing merkins (1-10)
Even poles: decreasing squats (10-1)
Hold at Penny Rd.

Cross together and mosey to PRES. Partner up. Partner 1 runs the pickle while Partner 2 does AMRAP of an exercise.

Pickle Pounders
American Hammers
Imperial Walkers (all together)
Carolina DryDocks (all together)

Start the long mosey back to the flag, turning back for the 6 at every crossing.

Arrive at the flag at 06:00:40ish. THAT’S IT!

COR/NOR - 1 RESPECT, 5 meh

Mental Battle

Staubach’s knee
The World


The announcement and walkback on cargo restrictions last night definitely inspired the exercises today. I’m FOR SURE one to panic, so this has been a time where I’ve actively needed to stop. slow down. be calm. make a smart decision. with marginal success.

3rd out of the last 4 Qs where it’s pretty much run to a remote location and make it back late. This was the closest of the 3, but that’s still squarely on me to get us back! The heatmap will be filled up soon enough to break me of this habit. We made up for it with a 3 minute COT, so that left ample time for Bagel-teria. Don’t care what everyone else thinks, this one is the best around. It’s early, it’s bagels, it’s legit.


See also