Asking Forgiveness, Not Permission

15 PAX gathered in the sub-freezing temps at Hunter Street park, not aware of the history that would be made today. Yes, there was some vague talk of an unprecedented event to occur here, but gotta keep em guessing. Right?

Warm Up

Keep warm mosey to get the legs moving, Pledge of Allegiance and circle up at the skate park for a standard round of SSHs, Moroccan Night Clubs, Seal Claps, Steve Earles, Plank Jacks and CFMs.

Thang 1 - History Being Made

Mosey to the parking lot adjacent to the baseball field where FIA are clearly in the area where we had planned to circle up. Well, why not a POP-UP (pre-planned) convergence??? Round 1 is led by YHC, a familiar round of Thunderstruck. Burpee each time AC/DC screams out “Thunder” or “Thunderstruck”, for a total of 33 burpees. Round 2 is led by YHC’s M, FIA Crisco. We do de-escalating Monkey Humpers: 40-30-20-10, each round separated by a bear crawl across the parking lot. Second exercise is curb dips 40-30-20-10, separated by a lunge walk across. With that, we call it a rousing success and go our separate ways.

Thang 2

Partner up for Catch Me if You Can. Round 1 are 10 x Diamond Merkins. Round 2 is LBCs. There will be no Round 3, as YHC realized that Cheddar Bo left the soccer field unlocked. Line up on one end line, 25 Merkins, followed by an 80% run to the other end. 20 Merkins, rinse and repeat until we’ve completed 5 Merkins. One round of BTTW (or y’all) 10 count down the line, then 70% run back to the skate park.


V-Ups x 25, Have a Nice Day.


A couple of RESPECTS, 4 HATES, the rest Mehs. Total of 15 PAX, including 3 for an IR fellowship walk.

Remember the Oakwood 24, the KKC, How-How’s family in this time of grief, as well as One Four’s MIL with a cancer diagnosis. Also pray for the Sad Clowns we’ve not yet reached. YHC took us out.


  • There were 12 FIA ladies who joined, for a total of 24 for the mini-convergence. Thanks for playing along, the planning has been going on in stealth mode for several weeks. And the ladies did a great job, I heard no complaining. This could happen again.
  • Frisco TRIED a little drive by with a nerf gun and, well, not sure what it was about. Anyway an observation - Frisco never actually STAYS for my Qs. There you go, the gauntlet is thrown.
  • Strong showing by the Hates today. Pretty awesome
  • MIAGD, and a little better than yesterday. Then rinse and repeat.

See also