Ask and You Shall Receive

After wrestling the Q away from Hotspot, picking up Biner and seeing no bat-signal at PBX’s, YHC rolled into a darkened Apex Nature Park. On the way in, we passed a group of runners (the usual suspects) – Hotspot, Michelob, Pet Sounds, and Old Maid. As we gathered in the gloom, Pet Sounds mentioned that he would like something a little run-lite since we’ve logged so many miles in F3 this week. YHC agreed it has been a little run-strong, and felt he could accommodate the request.

Take off down the parking lot toward the entrance to pick up Pickles, then Circle Up.

Warm Up

30x Low Slow Flutter. This proved to be another rousing round of suck-sess. 30x Side Straddle Hop 10x Good Mornings 20x Imperial Walkers

The Thang

Run up the hill toward the entrance. Someone (Michelob?) mentioned “Hey, there are basketball courts” so YHC lead us there.

13 hours of the Merkin Clock (2x 12s of course) Count off 1s and 2s 1s Balls to the Wall 2x Suicide, Flapjack 1s People’s Chair 2s Suicide, Flapjack

Up the path back to the sidewalk for a lap around the fields with stops for 20x Jump Squats 20x Merkins 20x Jump Lunges

YHC had noticed the Tennis Courts when we pulled in, so we entered the cage with 5 full courts: Bear Crawl the width of two courts Burpee Broad Jump the width of one court Crawl Bear the width of two courts People’s Chair until all are done, then a 5 count down the (long) line

Jog out of the cage, and into the cage next door, Balls to the Wall until someone (Nature Boy?) called Uncle 20x Homer to Marge 15x Low Slow Flutter – the PAX complained we didn’t go to 30. Have to come back to these to keep the PAX happy.

Leave the cage and head down the path after a quick check of the clock. Yes, the PAX figured out we were heading to Bear Crawl Bridge, no they did not enjoy it.

At the bridge: Bear Crawl Down, Lunge Walk back, Plank Hold for the Six.

The jog the wrong way to the manhole, then loop back to the parking lot. YHC can only determine that the PAX enjoyed the manhole given the amount of mumble-chatter it received on the way to the parking lot.


Surprise! 30x Low Slow Flutter

NamoRama Biner, Kubota, Goose, Pickles, Nature boy, Pet Sounds, Kakhis, Rotary, Michelob, Ma Bell, Swanson, Old Maid, MonkeyNut, Sooey, Hotspot, Crimson, Franklin, GTL, Wilbur, YHC

CountoRama 20

Announcements Convergence: Phoenix 5/6 Carpex Picnic – Bond Park 5/6 Shelter by the Lake, sign up via Signup Genius

Prayer Requests None spoken

YHC took us out.

Great work today men. The humidity is ramping up and it was good to see so many flowers in the sweat: it’s a beautiful sight. I was honored to lead such an inspirational group of men.

See also