Ascending = Accelerating

YHC is not gonna lie when I say that I thoroughly enjoyed fartsacking this morning with the knowledge that I had the Q at this evening’s Rush-Hour. 3 PAX showed up at the greatest evening AO in all of Carpex on a Tuesday! No FNGs, so straight into the pledge we go…


Mosey around the parking lot where we were able to locate the CPD K9 unit! Circle up in the back corner of the lot for:

SSH IC x 20

Good Evenings IC x 10

Sir Fazio Arm Circles IC x 10 forward & backward

Seal Claps IC x 10

Imperial Walkers IC x 10

Plank Jacks IC x 10

Calf Stretch L/R x silent 10 count

Thang 1:

Mosey over to the Wilkinson Ave. entrance to the parking deck for the wonderful opportunity to check the whole thing out.

2 burpees at the bottom. Run each straight stretch adding 2 burpees at the turn all the way to the top. Some balls to the wall and a couple of 10 counts and we were ready to unstack it starting at 10 jump squats at the top, subtracting 2 all the way back to the start. The PAX helped a damsel in distress (with parking) and then headed back to the top with Peter Parker Merkins this time. Just 1 10 count and back down subtracting with some jump lunges this time.

Thang 2:

Mosey to the lovely, serene field next to the fountain. There the PAX executed the Dan Taylor, 1 time across with LBCs IC x 10 on the sidewalk. 2 times across followed by Freddie Mercury IC x 10 on the walkway. 3 times back and forth followed by box cutters IC x 10. QIC was tired of doing lunges so decided to change things up a bit. Bear crawl across the grass for a round of Jack Webb. Back and forth the PAX crawled adding a round each time to 5 total. Slow mosey back to the fountain side for Mary.


Flutter kicks IC x 10


Pamela Anderson IC x 10 (Thanks Kermit)

American Hammer IC x 10

L elbow to R knee IC x 10

R elbow to L knee IC x 10

Pickle Pounder IC x 10

Have a nice evening


Christmas Party 12/12

South Wake CSAUP 12/7


Let us all pray for Kermit’s 1.0 Bob who has been struggling with pain and soreness from a lifetime of hard labor which prevents him from sleeping well.


It’s always a pleasure to lead the PAX in a workout, whether its 3 or 30. I feel as though I’m finally at a point where I don’t need a full plan to pull off a Q. I find myself eager to learn from other QICs to expand my personal exicon as it were. Thank you all for being an audience to my whims.

See also