As you wish*

Well, a day passed, and so did a year.  First post and Q of the new age, at the greatest AO in Downtown Apex on a Thursday morning.  Tossed the notion of an EC run out there, and I was joined by the Site Q in training, Sub, and the craziest man in Carpex right now, @djvtec (who has just signed on as the sixth man, on the 6-man 2019 BRR team, aptly named F3 Carpex Pick up the Six (TM) (R).  0452 roll out (took a minute or so to get my watch to cooperate) and we were off.  Took the guys along a nice little greenway tucked within Heatherwood, Indian Trails, and Shepherds Vineyard.  Covered about 3.5 miles, nice conversation, and got warmed up in the process.  Promised 4 miles, but I think we were done.

Anyway, for the main event, Q noticed an open gate to the pitch, and did a quick audible for our starting spot to get warmed up a little.  After Tuesday’s debacle with not noticing an FNG, Q was extra diligent to ask.  And looky there…an FNG “Brian”.  Welcome Brian.  Disclaimer stated, off we go for…

Pledge of Allegiance in cadence


Run into the wide open soccer/LACROSSE field (thanks PAX) for a warmup lap.

  • Regular run
  • backwards run
  • carioca left
  • carioca right
  • Backwards run across the other “end zone”
  • combo of high knees/buttkickers down the other sideline  
  • Near endzone was lunge walks to halfway
  • then run into the red circle (used for lacrosse apparently…looking at Largemouth for advice)

When there, get in some:

  • SSH
  • GMs
  • IWs
  • Merkins

Then off we go.

Start of The Thangs

Jog across the street, headed south towards downtown.  A pause for regroup just past Mr. A’s Beignets and some squat pulses.

Quick stop in at the skyscraper for a Merkin circle, 5 rounds, with various planks in between.

Then off we go down to the crosswalk.  Kid you not, @smokey61 came blazing past the Q…#larrybird!

At the crosswalk, we did the safe thing, hit the button to cross the street, within the crosswalk….then proceeded to Abbey Road lunge walk across-nearly running out of time on the countdown timer.

Follow me back north, then a quick left around the corner of the Halle Center (did you know it was a jail, and a town hall, and…heck just look here: Halle History

Here we are, let’s get warmed up a little more.

More of The Thang

Dora 123 from here to way down there and back.

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 squats
  • 300 LBCs

Frisco I don’t want to hear your chatter about running workouts…my man was cruising past the Q out there.  #Larrybird x 2

Time drawing short, time to set a course for Mount Michelob.  Loosely arranged Indian  Indigenous People’s Run down to Hinton Street.

The Hills are Alive

Original plan was 10 sumo squats at the bottom, run to the first mailbox, return to the bottom.  10 lunge jumps, then run up to the 2nd mailbox, back to the bottom.  About the 2nd time up, Imp casually mentions “You know we’re never going to make any progress doing it this way, right?”


So a bit of an audible occurred, and we started making headway up the hill.  A final audible after 3 rounds, and we all headed for the top.  All arrived, 10-count from Bogo, then we were off towards Brittany Trace.  A quick pause there to regroup, doing some Al Gore squat pulses, then on up to Salem Street.  A quick #PUT6 and we crossed together.

As we came in for a landing, who’s the FNG standing by the flag?  Wait, that’s no FNG, that’s… @denalicarpex!  5:30 Denali, 5:30.

Into the bowl for some quick mary, but not before 5 penalty burpees.

Hit the deck for:

  • 10 world’s worst merkins
  • 10 box cutters
  • Have a Nice Freakin’ Day

Main event:


  • Almost through the Q swap week down South, get ready for next week!
  • Ausfahrt’s coming home! Looks like Friday.
  • Sosa’s hosting a nutrition session on 2/2. After the KKC. Seems fitting.

Prayer concerns:

  • Ausfahrt’s recovery
  • Swag’s M
  • Career change opportunities for several of our brothers
  • RPD Officer Ainsworth’s healing path
  • Other unspokens


  • GTL’s crazy. “So, what do you know about the BRR?” he asks innocently. I start rattling off a few things from my 2 years of participating, talking about van camaraderie, what to do while your van’s idle, that sort of thing. “Yeah, so I’m on a 6-man team I believe.” Me: “Wow. Whose?” “Michelob, maybe Denali, some of those guys.” Head shake. Rest of EC run kinda quiet on my front.
  • Sub’s got wheels. Ma Bell said so, and he’s right.
  • Smokey is quick y’all. Came roaring up in my blind spot and I had to go catch him before we ran clean through DTA.
  • Don’t let Frisco fool you with his Claymore front. Dude was flying during Dora. T-ceps!
  • I need to plan better. Had I known the field would’ve been open, I would’ve spent more time there. It is pristine. I had something in my mind and didn’t modify it to suit the needs of the day. I will do better next time men. But, thank you gents for getting in over 2.5 miles in the course of our tour of the Metropolitan area.
  • * the first words we hear Boba Fett say.

See also