As Easy as 1-2-4

It’s a little known secret that when YHC Qs sometimes I transpose numbers or leave out/imply the unimportant ones. It isn’t really an issue though because I am still considered the best Q in Carpex (In fact, Ma Bell has even taken me aside a number of times and offered to pay for me to attend an elite Q school called Camp Gladiator for the next few years.) But there is always room for improvement so YHC thought long and hard about how to deal with all of these ’numbers’. After about 60 hours of deep reflection the night before I realized that the best way to do any tough job is to “Tom Sawyer” it (i.e., trick someone else into doing it for you).  Yes, it was going to be a great morning….

As usual PAX came out in record numbers for a Frisco Q.  YHC’s quick count showed that 143 PAX showed up at the shovel flag that morning (oddly 160 disappeared somewhere along the way because there were only 13 for COT at the end).

Here’s what went down:

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Mosey down to the spot where FIA normally works out.  I don’t know who those women are but I see one in particular always talking to Smokey trying to distract him.  More than once I’ve been tempted to yell “He’s married, lady, and she works out somewhere around here!  So back off!”  But Smokey has that Most-Interesting-Man-in-the-World-beer-commercial vibe it’s really his fault, not that poor woman’s. Guys, an F3 beach body is a tool for uplifting the spirit for all who see it and make excuses to brush up against it–it is not to be used to turn good women bad. I just hope Smokey learns to use his F3 body for good some day.

Warm up:

  • Good mornings (with a Crimson moan)
  • Merkins
  • Hill Billies
  • Sir Fazio (forward and back)
  • Some other stuff (that I can’t remember if I did as a participant at Duck’s Q at Lions den yesterday or at my Q today at BH)

The Thang 1:

A DORA is a perfect way to Tom Sawyer out the counting to the PAX. So…

Partner up for some Double Dora (first in groups of 8 but when that didn’t work for some reason we just went with groups of 2 with YHC strangely being picked last):

  • 200 scorpion Carolina dry docks 
  • 400 LBCs
  • 800 American Hammers
  • Traveling Max partner to the far end of the parking lot and back

There was a fair bit of MC (a lot from YHC actually) and more than a few questioning glances over the 800 American Hammers but we were just coming off celebrating a major American holiday (St. Patrick’s Day) and I wasn’t about to let the PAX forget it. Qwerty showed his displeasure by continually running a few extra feet past the area I designated for the turn-around spot for Travel Max. Rooney was talking to Imp on a cell phone about setting up a screening process for Qs. Triple Lindy kept almost dropping his coupon on me as he ran by (wait, we weren’t using coupons…)

The Thang 2:

I felt bad about having the PAX do so much core work since lightweights like GTO and Orphan obviously need a lot of help in the arm and leg department.

So we did a second DORA. It was going to be another Double but then Doogie kicked me in the shin as I started to say it so we ended up with just a single DORA with bear crawl back-and-forth across short side the parking lot for the Traveling Max partner.

  • 100 Dips on the bleachers
  • 200 Irkins on the bleachers
  • 300 Jump Squats

It was getting close to time so we put our balls-to-the-walls to wait for the 6.


A quick mosey back to the flag and it was time to circle up for some Mary on the rain soaked ground. YHC waited until the PAX were circled and then called “switch with your partner from the DORA”. There was no purpose to it since the entire skate park was soaked, but the inanity irritated Squatter which is always my goal.

Smokey was obviously still upset with me for doing a little bro-ervention while we were running during the DORAs. (in spite of his weak protests that the woman he kept talking to was his wife) Through the use of some Jedi mind trick he forced YHC to vacate the center spot and took it for himself. The PAX were furious at this and jumped up and down, yelled and clapped their hands in the air in frustration. So, to keep the angry PAX from bum-rushing Smokey I called PAX choice and let Smokey choose American Hammers. The PAX were happy to get back to those which further underscored my belief that 800 was a good number.

We finished out with some more PAX choice (for real this time) on Mary and Have a Nice Day.


Count-a-rama: 13

Nam-a-rama: Still 13

Announcements: On April 6th, we are trying to get a large number of Carpex PAX down to Burgaw to help with the rebuilding the devastation from the hurricane. Crimson’s FIL’s funeral is this coming weekend. DM Disco Duck or Sooey if you want to clown-car.

Prayers / Praises: Continued prayers for Ausfahrt and Sooey and Crim and his family during a really tough time (you and Susan drew more than your share of it this year, bro.) and a few others.


I am known as a man of few words… It was great to lead these HIMs. I would have fartsacked this morning if I hadn’t been on the Q sheet. It is easy to get lost. Sometimes you get a helping hand out. Sometimes to get out of your own way you have to lead others. Not sure how or why that works, but maybe when we are responsible for someone else we take a little better care of ourselves.

Thanks for letting me lead all of you so that I could get myself out of my own way.

See also