Aristocrat Does Not Know Jack

Terrific late spring morning.  Low 60s.  Dew Point of 45.  Couple of Shovel Flags planted.  21 of CarPex’s dudes came to Danger Zone to get stronger.   At 5:35 there were only 2 cars in the lot…one of which was in my usual spot.  Not a big deal since it was Tecumsah who is relatively new to Danger Zone, but not F3.  He is a beast.  At 5:45 20 dudes were ready to roll and then in rolled Marlboro.     We were off.  No music today, YHC is trying to focus on getting better at running workouts.   Simplify.

Warm Up.

  • Lap around the pickle. Mixing in butt kickers, high knees and backwards runs.
  • Circle up.   SSH, GM, SSH, Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio Arms both  ways. Little Baby JJ’s and a few others which I can’t remember.  Counts ranging from 14 -20.


  • Set of up uphill 22’s.   Plank Jacks at the Top and Jump Squats at the bottom. 20 and 2, 18 and 4……2 and 20.
  • Plank it out.
  • Hit the curb.  Quick feet x 10 and curbmerkins x 10, repeato x 15 and then repeato x 20
  • To the BB Court.  Circle up for som21e random Mary, AH, low slow flutters, AH, low slow flutters and some other stuff…,.counts ranging from 14-20.
  • Jack Webb.    1-10 Merkins and 5-50 Hallelujahs.
  • Head to the field.   AYG to the end of the field.   Plank hold for 3 20 counts. AYG to other end.  Six inch leg hold for 3 20 counts.
  • Back to the pickle for Mary and Merkins,   SSH, Merkins, AH about 20 each.
  • Finished a few minutes early so McCants can stay for COT.


  • 21 total.   2 Hates, 5 Respects.  14 Mehs.
  • Prayers for CD and Family on the 1 year passing of Gibson. We also prayed for handful of others.
  • YHC read a devotional from “Uncommon Life”.  Matthew 13:8.  Plant positive seeds in your life and use your influence to help others.   The more time we spend with good influencers the better chance the weeds of temptation and evil will not gain a foothold.
  • Saban took us out.
  • Merlot was spilled.
  • Flouride and YHC hit up coffeteria at Starbucks.
  • Pleasure to be part of such a positive group of influencers!

See also