Are we still writing backblasts?

Hello, and welcome to Fastest Friday AO in Carpex! The site that never shut down. Where mileage records are set and asterisks are badges of honor.

YHC put forth his best marketing campaign he could to reQruit our native #beardedmillennial but with the Covid15 around his waste, Fortnight at his fingers, and a warm and dry fartsack YHC received word this morning at 0830 he “didn’t hear the alarms.” And he’s “sorry man”.

That’s OK Spitty! YHC had planned on Qing the whole thing anyways. ALWAYS be prepared, that’s what the Eagle Scouts say right, Squatter –er Largemouth? (Too soon?)

With a solid downpour on the drive in we were graced with very little rain at the start. 22 pax were ready to take on the day. 6 or so Ruckers and the rest with YHC.

SSH, Mountain Climbers, King David Kicks, Cherry Pickers

Thang 1:
Partner up for Catch Me if you Can to the Roundabout. P1 does 3 Australian World Record Burpees aka burpees with no merkin. SEE VIDEO…. siiigh

Thang 2:
- Run 1/4th of the roundabout
- 10 180 degree jump squats
- Run back
- 10 WRBs (world record burpees)
2/4ths run / 20 reps each
3/4ths run / 30 reps each

Thang 3
- CMIYC with 5 monkey humpers running all the way to Morrisville Pkwy

Thang 4
- Lightpoles back to the flag with 3 star jumps at each light (PUT6)

Thang 5
- P1 sprint the pickle / P2 plank and rest
- Repeato until it’s 0615

- Prayers for many people and pax to continue to heal and get better. Prayers for Minneapolis and the country. Prayers for those unspoken.

Naked Moleskin

  • This week has seemed the most “normal” and I’ve fallen back in love with F3.
  • I decided last night I’m officially done with zoom. If anyone needs me…catch me outside, howboutdat!!
  • I hated virtual workouts. HATED. No fault of anyones at all. Just when you put it up against F3 it doesn’t hold a candle to it - or whatever that saying is that is way past its prime…
  • We had a bit of lightning this morning. Most I’ve ever seen but nothing unsafe in my opinion. Hopefully everyone felt safe out there.
  • At 0500 when it was POURING at my house I thought - naw, no way they EC run this. Sure enough…Chanti, Large, Banjo - anyone else? Sorry if i didn’t name you!
  • Schroder had a swimsuit on. He was prepared!
  • Gortex does two things well. Keeps water out…and keeps water in so says Chanticleer
  • Squatter never finished Eagle Scouts. It still haunts him. He may try and go back for his last year of eligibility - stay tuned for details.
  • The reason I called the “World Record Burpees” is b/c they aren’t real burpees so it’s funny that they call it a world record. So then you ask “why did you do them if you are dissin’ them, dawg?” Good question. It’s b/c they are also a useful exercise with my shoulder still not working. I can’t do a merkin right now so they are a great IR alternative. They just aren’t a burpee.
  • Pro Tip: If you don’t want certain exercises called because you hate them or have injuries…sign up to Q and you get to pick ALL the exercises!!
  • Seriously…go sign up. LOTS of white spaces on the Q sheet!

See also